

When I left - 2

Sophia s POV
I woke up suddenly at 5 o clock. I was not a morning person but when I woke up I never went back to bed again.
I made a cup of coffee and went to gym. After gym I still had much time. So having nothing to do I went out for breakfast.

I took my car. It was a Red Ferrari. I never knew why I bought that. I went to my cafe, Del Luna.

"Morning Stephanie! "I called out.

" Morning miss. Something wrong?? "she asked.

" No only thought of having breakfast. "I usually didn't have breakfast here.

I sat at the table that provided the most privacy. You could see every other table from here but nobody could see you. Stephanie bought me my coffee and breakfast.

I had breakfast and was about to leave when I saw that familiar face. Before I could walk out unnoticed he called out my name. Stephanie froze on her spot. Nobody in all the 4 years had ever called me by my first name.

God I wanted to run. But I cleared my throat and turned around. He waved at me smiling. I went there.

"Hey Jake. "I said.

" Hey Sophia. Long time no see. "He said still happily. God why was he so happy