

Tighty Security
The email he has received today is marked urgent. But it's from a friend who died two years ago. Marks had a great problem going through his mails. He and his friend Santos had earlier engaged in a serious but very dangerous business transaction which involved a staggering Eight million dollars and the law enforcement agencies got wind of the transaction but the Cops had no enough clues as to what was really happening. Santos on the material date of his death knew that the deal had hit a snag and the only way out was to urgently call his friend, but if he used a mobile phone the Cops who came after him would have a clue where the stacks of cool cash were hidden. Santos decided to drop an emergency e-mail to his friend marked as urgent,as he saw heavily armed Cops approaching. He knew things had turned sour as those Cops were known to be a ruthless and aggressive Squad. He dropped his expensive phone on the ground pretending to be engulfed in fear and it went right in the drainage and the Cops thought it was just an accident,Santos stooped feigning to pick his phone but as he did that the message had already been sent to Marks. The Cops where beaten to this trick and sensed nothing of any kind. Santos was picked by the Black Cats as this Squad was known in Makumbi Island. The Squad led Santos to his apartment for a search. He complied with the Cops knowing that his House had two escape doors at the rear . He led them in and ask the Cops if he can use the Toilet. The Squad ordered one of there men to escort him. He went with him inside the Toilet and searched if there was any exit point in that small room but the Cop saw no exit point in that room. Santos knew the moment the Police officer turned his back on him that,that was his chance to escape. The escape door was made right where the big wall mirror was. It opened by the press of one button which looked like a holding button. Santos went through the escape door down the tunnel which led him to it's exit on the main Road through the Manhole. He failed to open the Manhole as there was a construction going on,on the Main Road and one of their heavy duty machine was parked right on the Manhole cover. The Cops were in panic as they discovered that Santos had vanished in thin air. By the time they came to discover the escape door, it was some hours latter and Santos had past on because he had suffocated to death.Two years later when Marks was creating space on his phone, he discovered an e-mail from his friend which was rebelled as urgent. His eyes fixed to the small screen of his phone,perplexed with the details in the message it left him puzzled . Marks now had one thing on his mind and that is to unearth the stacks of cash which were buried right at the edge of the island adjacent to a Military base. Marks had to do it because that was all he had to live on and it was the only way he could avenge the death of his childhood friend.He now has to employ a strategic plan on how he will snatch out the cash without people and the Military men noticing. Marks managed to unearth the stacks of dollars. Life at the Military base was always as tight as it is expected. Marks was now on a mission and being a native of the Land was aware what to expect. He was troubled as life became even difficult because the Island had very few opportunities to offer and the health of his Father was not good at all. One day in the early afternoon, he took a walk down hill eastwards in the direction of the Military base to assess on how he would execute his mission.He walked for close to 3 kilometers and found a sign poster with these inscription,"Do not go beyond this point,Military surveillance cameras ahead" He stood still and thoughts running through his minds he knew that if he dared to ignore the warning all hell will break loose. Marks thought for a second time and aborted his mission. He looked again on the poster but the message he was reading was the exactly opposite of his mission. He turned and took 3 steps opposite the poster heading home to map up another plan,and suddenly 2 huge Soldiers appeared right before him. He was so frightened as he was not used seeing people in Military Uniforms. This was Marks first time seeing people so huge like these two men,he was wondering if they came from another planet or something similar because he spent all his life on the Island and never saw giants as these two men. Marks stood still like a log and could not move. A horse voice came from this black tall huge guy and asked what Marks was doing in a restricted area. Posing for a few moments with his eyes out,Marks responded with a broad smile and said am looking for money. Money you said? My friend do you see any banks here? Marks immediately engaged the two Soldiers into a discussion. He told them that there was alot of money laying idle somewhere in the territory of there camp. The Soldiers were thrown into untold laughter.The boy looked at them with so amusement.The Soldiers started making fan of the boy. They spent quite a bit of time with the boy at that land mark. They asked Marks quite a number of questions and he kept his cool by answering to all questions thrown at him. The Soldiers jokingly asked him what gave him to think in those lines and he told them that,if you help me retrieve these monies I promise to make you rich! This made the two to even laugh the loudest! Oh boy said the other one,you mean as old as we are you can make us rich? You must be a very good entertainer. Where is your home by the way? I live uphill near to the main water reservoir 516 Copper Street, blue House and the Soldier concluded the sentence by mentioning the type of the gate at his home and the Boy in affirmation agreed and said yes the Emerald Green Gate. The Soldiers knew exactly who the owner of that House was but didn't know his children. I know the place, is Gabara your father?
The Boy confirmed that he was his second born son . The Soldiers went on further to ask him about his father's whereabouts since he has not be seen around. Marks responded rather in a very faint voice and said,"dad has not been feeling too well for the past two and half years now. What is the main problem with him,the Soldiers asked with a lot of surprise! He fall from the ladder as he was fixing the latest Solar panels along the Main Central Business District 6 lanes Avenue. Mr Gabara was a well renown Civil Engineer and had done a lot of good works in most parts of the Island and many knew him by his Nick name the Master Cable. The Soldiers consoled Marks and encouraged him to look up to the divine intervention. They stood there and recalled a number of encounters they had with Master Cable when he was contracted by the Army to install Military Signal infrastructure at the Oceanside Military Airstrip. They felt good because the Engineer liked to share his knowledge with who ever was near where he was conducting his work.The Soldiers reminded Marks about what he mentioned earlier. Marks our youngster you said there is cash here hope you were not joking. Marks pretending like he didn't hear the Officers,took some few steps away from where they were standing and said well if you're interested you will let me know you have my contact and if you want the money we will work. The Soldiers told him to stop playing hide and seek but go straight to the point. Marks said to the two Soldiers saying,"well,if you're really game and you want money I will make you rich in less than 48 hours. Young man screamed one Soldier! Do you know riches? He asked? Marks responded and said,"your time has come to wipe out Poverty from your blood line. The two of you will walk away with a cool One million dollars cash each! just there and then. The Soldiers said to Marks to better be serious about what he was saying. Marks said I walked all the way because am dead serious I want to get that money and go away and wipe away my sorrows. The two officers got interested and asked what they were suppose to do? Marks said you just need to provide me with security and to keep the public and the Police from what you and me will be doing in the next 24 hours or so then alas the One million dollars for each of you will be gotten just like that. The two giant Soldiers quickly agreed and assured the youngster that Security is not an issue because when he sees them he sees security. They took him in to the restricted area beyond the poster and told him to pretend like a captive. They walked along the dust Road downhill towards the Main entrance and when they got closer to the Main Gate of the Garrison the other Soldiers, 5 in number to be specific were alert as they saw there colleagues coming with a stranger. They greeted each other as the Military protocols demands. They asked if all was well,the two Soldiers responded that all was well as the walked past their colleagues. One of the Soldiers was so inquisitive and asked what the seemly looking suspect had done. The two Soldiers replied that he was found beyond the area restriction point but there was no big problem as the father to the boy was a well known Civil engineer. You mean Master Cable is the father to this chap? How come I don't know him? The Officer who was inside the guardroom imerged from his chair and said so you guys mean you don't know this small chap? He is one of Gabara the Master Cable's sons. He went to the same University with my son. He also has a master's degree in Civil engineering, it's a clan of engineers. You want to proceed and continue with your interrogations, He asked? They proceeded as they jokingly said we want him to get acquainted with the Barracks. They walked a further half a mile to where there strong and interrogation rooms where. They opened the interrogation room and went into the lower chambers were seasoned criminals are interrogated. They closed the door behind them and straightforward went in to asking Marks were the money has been buried. Marks at this point had nothing to lose as he deemed this to be his last chance to get the cash he and his close childhood friend obtained after a one sell off of 10 bars of pure stolen Gold. They staged a bloodless aggregated robbery in the nearby Mainland from a worthy multinational business Guru. The business Guru owned a couple of flourishing businesses around the Mainland and was the sole owner of the most luxurious shipping company in the Country. He liked to spend most of the time at his five(5) Star Hotel Resort which was built off shore across the wider beautiful beaches. It was slightly on the mountain range with an almost ariel view of the whole Country side.The luxurious Hotel was called Royal Gustov Resort. It had a lot of entertainment ranging from Boat Cruise,Horse riding,Helicopter flights and many more too numerous to mention. Cents was the name of the business Guru. Marks narrated to the Soldiers how the two staged an armed robbery at the Mr Cent's Mansion and managed to get the Gold minus hurting anyone despite been involved with the Mansion's security guards. Santos and Marks been graduates in Computer and Civil engineering respectively completely unsettled the most advanced security system in the World and thanks to the German Shepherd dog which saw the two dashing out through the perimeter fence to the standby Speedboat. When the Dog sounded the alarm it was too late for the Guards to react. They gave a foot pursuit but the distance was already much for them to catch-up with the two little criminals. They went for the Resue~Chopper but all electrical,machnical gadgets were tampered with and were fault. The two managed to escape the wrath of Mr Cent's top notch security without an harm. They headed eastwards up the Sea against a blowing tempest. The plan was to load the Gold on there backup Jeep parked at the Mall 15.8 miles from the scene. When they abordoned the Speedboat they had to travel 1and half kilometers to the main Road. They managed to reach the main Road with great difficulties given the Road was slightly slippery because it was a dambo area and there was an old Oil refeinary which sneezed to operate some 12 years ago when the Country recorded it's worst accidents in history. The Government had to shut it down so they can work on it putting up a modern and state of the art technology plant. They reached the main Road tired with the load of Gold in the backpacks. There was no sign of any moving machine on the Roads and that place was usually being patrolled by the Police because of the Timber plantation. The two friends thought for once,if we stand here waiting for transport the Police will pounce on us. They gathered enough courage and embarked on a 17 kilometer journey heading to the west. But they were not walking on the Road side but in the bush. The Mall was situated 17 Kilometers down that Highway.They started off without much hesitation and moving about 2 kilometers where the mountains slopes begins they saw a Truck carrying Timber on the Roadside and Police by the side. They knew that was the end of the road if the Cops saw them. They went in to hinding and Santos removed his binocular and could clearly see Two Police officers,a man who looked to be fixing the Truck and a Police Dog been held by one of the Police Officers. Santos started teazzing his friend.He told him that Jail was going to be his home,my stealing is a criminal offence and those Cops were out there to arrest him. As the two were joking, the Police Vehicle drove off towards the direction of the Plantation which was eastwards. Marks told his friend to give him the binocular,jokingly Santos refused to give him and Marks said I will shout so that the Police will come after us. Santos gave Marks the binocular without looking into it again. Marks said you fool, are you drunk? Where are the Police Officers you kept saying are parked at the Truck? There are no Police Officers there,no Dog and only One Man struggling to fix the damn Truck,he said. Santos quickly grabbed the binocular from him,looked through it and saw no Police Officers or Vehicle and the Truck all by itself. The two looked at each other and thought of what they'll do to reach there destination. Santos suggested they go to the Truck and help the man so that in turn they could hike from him. They encouraged each other and went down the slope to where the Truck was parked. Hey man! Santos shapely said to the man! The man was surprised as he didn't expect anyone. He replied with a soft hey and a broad smile. Hey young men! How are you and what the hell are doing in this bush? They answered and said we are heading to the Grey Town Mall. So you mean you're walking all those Kilometers? The answered and we have no option but to walk. Cutting in Marks asked the Big man what the problem was. The Trucker answered hesitantly,I really don't know because it just cut and am stack that's it he laughed! Can we help,Marks asked? The Big man looked at the small men and smelled. He said son I have been working with these machines all my life and I have failed to find the fault for the first tis. me in my whole career. I have been stack here for over 4 hours and my Company depends on me for mechanical jobs. If I fail, the whole Company is doomed. The boys laughed and said it's okay Big man,We will help you. He smiled and said if you will manage. He said you guys seem to be carrying the whole World on yourselves,come on make yourselves comfortable,put you bags in the Cabin. The bags were heavy and two went in side the Truck and put their cargo in the compartment under the lower bed. They went out to help out with the Truck. Marks asked the what type of sound it gave when it cut. The big man explained to Marks as he was a qualified mechanic. Mark told the man to try and start the engine. The Trucker obliged and tried to start the machine,then Marks shouted,Stop! The man jumped out thinking there was a fire! Marks said ,Mr dependable sir how come you didn't realize that your rear main fuse right on the Horse where your pressure pipes are have blown off? Marks went on to replace it and told the Trucker to start the Engine. The Engine started without any difficulties. The Trucker full of joy told the Boys to jump in forgetting that there is a limitation on the number of passengers.He wasted no time as started off hammering the machine down the slope. When he did about 6 kilometers from the point of the breakdown the Police Vehicle which went eastwards came back and over took him and sounded their horn in appreciation that he managed to fix the Truck. They drove past him and went straight to their check point. Some times latter the Truck appeared and the Officers were happy that he made. They told their colleagues to open the barrier as the Truck Driver suffered untold misery spending hours fixing the Truck. The Trucker slowed down but was given a go ahead sign by the Officers on the middle of the Road. He hooked past them in appreciation. He reached at the Mall and parked at the Truck stop to thank the two young men. The two disembarked and waived at the Big Man,with there heavy packs now at their backs the Big said to them,i hope you're not carrying stolen things in those bags,anyway thank you for your help and travel safe back home. They immediately went to their Jeep,packed the bags in the Car and wasted no time and drove off to the Island.
To continued......

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