

The Proposal -2
By the time I reached the place she was already there, breaking some red and Orange flower petals from the garden. Waiting for me...

The place was selected by “Shreya-and-group”. It’s an old Garden near the river beach. Due to the lack of human interfere over the place it has grown by its own. Producing some beautiful scenario. The old Street lamp was covered by some unknown Creepers... and the half broken lamp was hardly visible. Some multi colored flowers were visible over the garden gate. Sun will be shading after a few moments and a unique magic could be seen. Both time and place was perfect for a proposal.

As we walked alongside the garden, she felt something fishy.

“You alright?” she enquired.

“Yeah... all right”

“I don’t think so... it seems you haven’t slept for Nights... is anything wrong?”

Then only I realize that I have not slept a couple of nights. I read a few extractions of novels related to proposing a girl that were provided by Shreya. Google searching was also another work I did. I loved the tips from ‘wiki how’.

“You will get your answer in a while... just keep quiet and follow me.” I said.

We walked to the beach a little boy came and offered her a bouquet of flowers. The bouquet contains all her favorite flowers. She took the flower bouquet from the little cute boy and placed a “thank you kiss” on his cheek. The boy ran and disappeared after a while.

Then she passed an “is-it-for-me?” look towards me. I smiled.

“Thank you for this. You know these are my favorite flowers!! And the little boy, how cute!!” She said in elation.

I wanted to say something, but the combination of fear and excitement has increased my heartbeat in such a rate that nothing came out of my mouth. I just ended up with a smile.

We sat on the beach. The sun was about to set. Converting the surrounding into a mixture of colors. The reflection of the sun over the river has created a paradisiacal Masterpiece. Few birds made their journey towards home with some twittering sounds. A bold smile appeared on her face. Unwillingly.

I took out my Smartphone to click a picture of the moment. I was about to catch the scenario, when she interrupted.

“Hey don’t try to catch up the moment in a Smartphone. Your photos will remain in your hard disc for a limited period of time but once you enjoy the moment, it will always be there in your heart.”

‘Really?’ I said and started clicking random photos. She laughed as I clicked a photo of her foot.

“Now tell me.” she said.

“Tell you what?”

“Tell me what you wanted to say... I don’t think you called me here without any purpose.”

“Oh yeah... I … I mean.. I wanted to. I wanted to tell you something.”I buffered.

“Yes... go on.” she laughed again.

“Actually, I love a girl.” I initiated.

“What?? I mean... I mean...why did not you told me earlier??”

This time she buffered.

“What’s her name?” she asked.

“I don’t want to tell you her name first. I need your help... I want to propose her.” I said acting as strong as I can.

“I fall in love with her at the first day of college onwards. We become friend but I never dared to tell her about my feelings...”

She kept quiet for few moments… maybe she was trying to scan the friend list of mine in the college. After 2 or 3 minutes she spoke out. Her voice was broken.

“I will do whatever I can. Now can we go back? Please. I am not feeling well here. These cold breezes are killing me.” She stood up to leave the place.

Maybe I should not have postponed the duration.

We walked back through the garden. I felt like she is crying. Yes she is. I can clearly see the tear drops on her checks through the light of old Garden lamps. She wanted to run away from me as fast as she can.

As she reached her home, I hold her hands tight. She looked at me. Confused.

“Don’t you want to know her name?”- I asked.

“Ok tell me.” she said in a light tune.

“She is Ankita Sinha. My one and only love…….”

Some waves of silence passed for the next few minutes.

“I love you Ankita…Will you be my beloved? Will you be my girlfriend?” I said and I looked into your eyes... waiting for a tight hug. I have tortured her enough.

But she ended up saying nothing…

Almost 15 minutes passed.
“It’s not possible .I never wanted to be your girlfriend. Good night.” she walked to her house and shut the door. It was now all closed. For me.

It was almost 12 AM when I arrived my room. My room was filled with Deepak, Shreya and Harsh. Every one of them was excited to hear the how she reacted. All of them were over confident that Ankita will accept my proposal. Little did they know that I have already lost her.

I described them the whole incident and suddenly everyone’s mood turned off. They tried to make me understand that everything will be fine. My mind bounced back all their sayings. I switch off the lights.

It became difficult for me to accept the situation. I can never imagine a life without her. I loved her more than I loved myself and perhaps that was the reason that I never tried proposing her. It was known to me that loosing someone is not that easier as loving someone is. Tough it hurts, but I imagined a life without her for the first time… no vision, no ambition. No excitement in studies or works, no one to care, no one to love and fill up my heart. But only darkness will cover up all the spaces. Life will be no longer same again. I was lost in the dark Battle of love. Got defeated and surrendered to her.

Sleep will not come to me, I knew and all of a sudden something strike on my mind.

I walked to the nearby pharmacy for few sleeping pills.....
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