

So today I am gonna write about WRITING!!! Yes indeed a thing that has brought us all together on this platform. So, ofcourse as clearly evident from my profile. I am a noobie in this field just trying to present my thoughts before the world and like all others I like to read and to writte, the very string that keeps all of us hinged here.

After posting a few articles , I started wondering on the entire process that drives so many of us to pick our pens and right our hearts out. The first thing that popped in my head was thoughts. So much around us, an entire galaxy to explore and an entire universe of knowledge to learn from. Writing is a way of collecting all the information that we have gained and adding our perspectives to it. It is like say the world calls this colour to be green but to me it signifies serenity, joy and peace of mind. It is a way of providing another dimension to things. And here it is not about being right or wrong it is just how you look at it.

The second thing that made me dive deep here was emotions. Humans today experience a huge spectrum of emotions. Some are so abstract and hard that sometimes it gets difficult to even explain our in moment feelings in simple statements. Our heads go into a totally messed up scenario. With so much stored in our heart that greatly impacts are mind writing is a saviour. It is a way of taming our brains not to feel shattered when things go south and not to let loose when it's all a crazy happy high moment. Basically writing is what brings some control in our lives, perhaps slows down our lives letting us think about what happened , making us strong enough to handle the bad phases and tranquility to enjoy the good ones. It calms our monkey minds!!

Shortly put writing is all about bringing YOURSELF closer to YOU!! When we write we are explaining things not to others rather to ourselves. It is a way of reading our heart and head , convincing them at times to let go of a few things and to get hold of a few during others. There are some who are able to achieve this skill and eventually end being termed as "writers". What we experience is not just ours alone. It is a learning for some while for some it is their past. This is what makes people place trust in our writings. We all read a hundreds of posts every week but end up liking just a handful. This is not because we don't like some people's work rather we just find a few more relatable to us and henceforth get engrossed in that piece of literature .

It is therefore important that as more and more people write more and more opinions, thoughts, emotions and experiencs will not just get a stage rather an audience to connect to. This in the long run opens an entire hallway of human mental growth and evolution. We all have a writer in us. It is not always about giving the best novel , writing the most exhilarating thriller, or making to the top of some literary award. It is about aligning our mind and beliefs , venting out the real you to have some existence and to carve out a better vesrion of yourself not with every passing day rather with every article that you write!!

It is only writing that can enable the unheard to be heard , unseen to be seen and an absence to have a presence.!!