

Super Yannah: The Nerdy Heroine (Chapter 4.1)


The school is already over... and I'm now going home...

As usual, I'm only walking... As I pass through a narrow lane where only a few people are passing, I saw a man beating hard by five men!!!

Hey that's not fair!!! One vs. five??? Oh no!!!...

I watched that poor man!!! He's like a mouse afraid of death!!!...

{Why are you only standing there, Yannah??? Help him!!!...}

Yeah yeah I know!!!... You're very excited!!! Of course I will help him!!!...

But what will I do??? Think... think...

Ahaaa!!! I have an idea!!!...

I sway my index finger and slowly pointed it to their direction...

They were shocked when the button of their pants removed and their pants suddenly falls down to their feet...

I laughed at what I did!!! They stopped beating the poor man and turned their attention to their pants!!! They're eagerly trying to wear it well...

I think of another idea...!!!

The people walking here can't see what I'm doing so I'm free to continue what I wanna do...

I saw a pile of cans on the other side of a lane!!! I focused my mind as I watched it!!!... And through my mind, I made them float towards those five men who are still trying to wear their pants!!!

When they saw the cans floating towards them, they got scared and run while shouting in fear!!!...

Thise brave men were now running in cowardice!!!... The people laughed at them because they're running while their pants are not properly weared!!!

I looked at that poor man!!!... He tried to stand but he can't because of bruised and wound he got...

I opened my palm and I blew there while seeing the man!!!...

Tiny lights came out of my palm and started to fly into him...

He's covered with those lights and a moment, his wounds already lost!!!... He was surprised when he saw the bruises were gone...

Because of overjoy, he jumped in laughter... "Hahahaha Its a miracle!!!... It's a miracle!!!"

He fall on to his knees and kiss the road!!! After that, he enclosed his hand and faced the sky and shouted... "Oh God!!! You are truly the most powerful!!! You saved me from troubles and healed my wounds!!!... There's nothing greater but only you, my dear Lord!!! Thank you so so much!!!" he cried...

I continued walking... That's right!!! Believe in Him and He will not let you down!!!... There's nothing greater in Him...

I hope you learn a lesson today in order for you to praise and believe His powers...

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