

Being Myself
Chapter 1
Superior is a phenomena that refers to surmount on someone's ideology means people who are well in overcoming someone's state of mind, You may know some people in your own circle when they are around someone, They don't allow anyone to utter even if an individual tries to break the ice they will stop him/her and they continue to speak, Have you ever wondered from where have they got surmounting skills or you may be thinking that they are born with these skills or they have this thing, that thing or blah blah...
But actually they have none of this because you gave them the power to overcome on you, you must having thought in your head that he is talking meaninglessly, well actually I am not, Let me make it little simple and clear to you.
Throwback, you made a plan to go out along with your chumps and you started calling your loveones and you all gathered at a place and started wondering about where to you,
You asked them to select a place to hang out.
Here, This was the first place where you allow them to surmount on you, You gave them your biggest power which is decision taking ability and leadership quality because from now they will be advising you whenever you feel to go out, the first point of stating and generating image in one's mind you lost,
They choose the place and you went there, you all were sitting on a table and waiter came and asked to you, " sir what would you like to have today"?
And you started discussing about cuisine and the person to who selected place his choice will be preferred than anyone else. By the time it will turn your habit to seek advices and let them surmount on your decision and these little things enrich their qualities and enhance their confidence level and these qualities are known as a "Gift of gab". You believe that they are born with it or they are special but actually it all cause of your lack of choices that does not allow you let you go ahead to them in people's glances.