

My struggle to success
Miles and miles away deep in the province of KwaZulu Natal, there lived a girl called Xolile. She was a young 5 year old girl who lived with her father, mother, stepmother and her stepsister.
Her father and mother was all she had in her life. When ever her father went to work in the big town in Johannesburg, all she would do to get away from her stepmother's horrible actions, she would help her biological mother in the garden. After they were from the garden they would go make food for everyone, despite the fact that her stepmother Ms Mkhize wouldn't even appreciate it.
One day they heard news that Mr Nkosi, her father has been involved in a car accident and passed away. That really caused a lot of pain in Xolile's heart. Just after she thought all she has is her mother she heard news that her mother has fell into a comma, she has been diagnosed with Cancer. As from that day her mother will be living in another place with nurses can monitor her and take good care of her.
She was left alone with those two horrible stepmother and stepsister.
she was kept as a slave for years.
She would clean the whole house alone, cook for everyone and do all the chores in the house.
13 year later
She was now 18 years old and she was still living as a slave in her own father's house. All she would do to get away from all the hatred in the house, she would study a lot for she wanted to be a doctor. She wanted to make sure that she gets the cure for cancer and heal her mother.
Even though they treated her like trash she continued studying untill she finished school.
She got a scholarship to go to university. She studied as much as she could and she got a certificate.
She became the best doctor in South Africa and was one of the richest people in the world.
She healed her mom and she lived happily and luxuriously ever after with her beautiful mother.

.......to be continued.................................
( part two will be released soon )