

Zombie rain of terror
It was a windy night in London when the Anderson's were getting ready for Halloween. "Mum, don't worry about me i'll be fine, and plus i'll be with my friend," said Carol. "Okay, stay safe and don't forget to lock the door, Oh, and take care of your brother you know how he's mischevious" said Mum giving her an uncomfortable and extremely long hug. Carol was 13 years old and Ashton was 10 years old. "No! don't leave me with Ashton!" shouted Carol but her mum had already left with her dad. "Well it's just you and me, stay here while I call my friend," she said while she went to get her phone. Ashton, however was not patient. He ran to his room and called Kyle who was his best friend. Carol knew Ashton very well, so she didn't bother coming down, she knew he was in his room. " Ashton, get your jacket and come down, were going to Cone scones!" said Carol, getting her jacket. Cone scones was an ice cream shop that they used to go to regularly during the holidays. "Coming!" shouted Ashton to Carol. He got his phone and told Kyle to meet him at Cone Scones. They jumped onto their bikes and got there in five minutes or less. When they arrived they saw their friends eagerly waiting for them. "Katie!" screeched Carol. Katie and Carol were best friends since the forth grade. " Sup bro," said Ashton to Kyle. They greeted each other and went inside. "Hello, good to see you kids!" said the guy at the register, he had quite an odd British accent. "Hello Barry!" said Carol shaking his hand, he was a really kind guy with a sore hunchback. "Two strawberry and two chocolate ice creams, please," said Katie getting her purse. " That'll be two pounds and eleven cents," said Barry preparing the ice cream. Just then it started raining and before you know it there was lightning and thunder. Barry gave them there ice creams and they were on their way. In order to not get wet they ordered a taxi and got home. Katie and Kyle decided to stay at Carol and Ashton' s house cauwe they heard a big storm was coming. They watched movies until midnight and went to bed. They were all deep asleep at 1am and it soon struck 3. There was a loud moaning sound in the distance. It awoke them. Kyle looked out the window, nothing was there. Moan! The sound came again. He looked out the window again, nothing was there. Moan! This time they decided to go outside though Katie refused but eventually came out, with a baseball bat in her hands.

They slowly wandered the streets looking for the creature making that sound. Fog covered the whole street making it even creepier. Katie clutched Kyle. They continued walking and reached the graves. One of the graves had opened and when they looked inside no one was there. They saw a person walking slowly next to them. He had his arms in front of him and his eyes closed. The moaning had came from that person. Was he even a person. He smelt terrible and had blood all over him. It seemed as if he was a Zombie. That moaning had called other dead people and they turned into zombies. It was a Zombie apocalypse.

Zombies came surrounding them and moaning and moaning. There was no escape. Ashton pulled a stick from the grave and pushed one of the zombies. They all gathered sticks and fought them one by one. When it was a little clear they all ran towards their house. "Guys come, I have a plan!" Coral called out to the rest. They eventually reached their house and locked the doors and shut the Windows. " Okay, listen people. We've got our self a Zombie apocalypse. We have to survive and help others survive. Ashton, you get a huge stice and carve it into a spear. Katie, you and Kyle build a huge tree house so we can gather other survivors, and I'll build a huge car where we'll travel and get survivors and bring them here!" shouted Coral to the others. "I'll come with you and fight off the zombies" said Ashton still carving his stick. They all finished there tasks and when they looked outside there was only zombies, nothing else, no human beings. "The zombies turned the humans into more zombies, oh No! This is bad." said Katie, pacing and clutching her head. "We'll i guess the tree house is ours." said Ashton, going to check it out. The tree House didn't have a ladder, instead it had an outdoor elevator with no roof. It was super cool. Inside they had spears and tools. Corals car was in a mini garage under the tree house. "Ok guys, time to fight off some zombies!" said Coral getting inside her suit. They all had suits with a tool bag attached to it. They jumped in the car and drove around bravely searching the town.