

An unreal turns into a real
Once upon time, there was a girl named Tiara. She was really good at imagining and her grammar was like mwahhh no words. She was the class topper. It was October and Halloween was far approaching. The whole class decided to do a party for Halloween. Tiara was chosen as the artist as she was good at drawing. Something hit Tiara mind that for the poster she needs 8B pencils for the shadow and shade on her poster. She went to the nearby workshop and start searching for the stationery section. She found it and a beautiful and attractive pencil caught her attention. Tiara made up her mind of buying it . At home , she started working on her poster and after 5 days of hardworking, she was finished. So she went shopping for her Halloween costume. After returning , she saw something glowing white and red in her poster. Tiara thought she was dreaming so she went sleeping. At school tomorrow everyone was planning what to wear but Tiara saw two types of people fighting together and it was looking exactly like her drawing she did in her poster. She said to herself " why does it look exactly like the angels and devils I drew in my poster , wait a minute was that pencil magical or something because it was the last one left and I also get facilities to draw with it unlike the other ones ".She went to her class after attending class she found herself into a big mess . The angels and devils was all around the town , the devils was destroying whereas the angels was trying to stop them but it was useless. At night she decided talking to the angels and they said " well it won't be easy to send them back to their land but we can atleast keep them in our angelic cage". Tiara agreed because of the sake of her 🏙 city. At last, their plan went as they planned but Tiara is still in worried about if what will happened if she don't find a way out to send them back to their and , something bad might happen.

"So what do you guys think will happen after"?
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