

Love even though your heart is broken
I fall in love on the 12 of October 2018 but it didn't last long. knowing the person never love me it was only lust it ended in early 2020. It's a little drama ending the relationship after I found out everything.

When I fall in love he was the one who went to my mom and ask for my hand in marriage I told my mom no I don't want to marry him it's too early good thing I say that. I was in high school and been in a relationship while studying in hard. At one point I gave up on him because he was too much asking for too much. I noticed he wants to know everything about me but hardly wants to talk about himself but been in love I by pass it because I don't want to pressure him. I became deputy head girl in my last year of school it was the best feeling. It's was time for graduation he came to my graduation well suit out pretending like all was well.

They had a surprise birthday party for me(not really surprising because I know about it,but I pretend I was fully surprised) it was good I enjoyed myself. Further down in the year I noticed he has start talking about sexual intercourse. I said look marriage comes before. In 2020 alot happened to me I shared it with him because I thought he would be my husband. He start acting like my father I didn't like it I couldn't go any further. I ended the relationship,the day I ended the relationship he said to me"if I can't be happy no one else will be happy" I didn't understand what that mean so I didn't focus too much on it. Only to find out that everything I told him he told a lady and I the lady told some people and my name was like wild fire in my community.

I almost committed suicide but I couldn't die. So I notice that I have a serious purpose on Earth and that is through my writing. I'll write and people will be bless be it. Then I started off commiting suicide doesn't worth nothing it doesn't solvethe problem. All we have to do is to be strong and embrace our love for each other. Some people might see us daily and thing all is well but only if they know the true story behind your pain. Be strong for you and for your family and community members no matter what.