

The Death's Presents part.2
After getting the deaths presents,they went to their journeys. elder brother Antioch paverell ,went to far a village, and killed his enemy and he show of his magical wand to the whole town,so when he was sleeping in the wines of power anyone killed him and take magical wand ,and thus death take his lose revenge.then the second brother cadmos paverall use life giving stone and give life to his dead wife ,but after some days she lived very sad ,unhappy because this world was not her ,so cadmos sucide and went to her wife in her world and thus death take his revenge. Then the third brother ignotus paverell got the invisblity cloak ,entire life he hide in the cloak ,death find him in every corner of the world but he was nothing ,the time when he was very old ,he gave the cloak to his son and hug the death just lile an old partener and thus he had not win not lost......