

The power to break every chain of addiction
I Want to tell you something powerful today,
Do you find yourself asking 'Many told me to do this and that, but i just cannot stop. Everything fails. I will never be free"
no friends can help you,no relatives could deliver you, nor the closest ones can
Whatever your addicted to, JESUS can deliver you!
Whether your suffering from depression,
caught up in a nonstop cycle of drinking and smoking,
when you feel that it is pontless to live, suffering from suicidal thoughts, eating disorders, phobias, demonic possession, obession, anxiety, evil spirits, Soul ties, guilt, pornography, masturbation, fornication, adultery, sexual immorality, nightmares, generational curses, financial poverty, stuck up in confusion, sickness, migraines, etc you name it.

Do you know how? Things that happen in the spiritual realm are then manifested in the physical ream. In the word of God it is written that
Jesus came to set us free. Jesus desires to release the opressed. He came to "destroy the works of the devil" [1 John:8].

If you know Jesus Christ as your Lord, NO demon, NO evil spirit can have you! Jesus said, "If the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed.".

Mathew 28:18 " and Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in Heaven and on Earth"

Philippians 2:10 "so that at name of JESUS every knee will bow, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth."

When you study the word of God, you will know that Jesus has set you FREE, and the devil cannot lie to you.! RESIST THE DEVIL AND HE WILL FLEE FROM YOU [James 4:7]

To obtain FREEDOM in Christ is to obtain freedom from Satan.

•PRAY to Jesus and ask him Forgiveness
1 John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
•Renounse Satan : Tell the devil that you no longer want anything to do with him or his works or workers