

Death The Ultimate Truth!
The noise was too loud, almost as if someone was using a drill machine in his head. He craned his head to relieve the cramp in his neck. When he couldn't move he realised where he was; in a coffin deep in the confines of an aeroplane. He was laying there in peace but he was scared and frightened as he was all alone there in that coffin. As he was thinking about what will happen next. The thoughts were whirling around his head! How he will live alone therein the ground. How he will be able to live in that terrible darkness for the rest of his life until the day of judgment. He was thinking about all this when he heard some noise. He heard that a crowd was people were crying and he felt that some people were picking him up. He felt that they put the coffin on their shoulders and started walking. He cried out, "Hey! Where are you all taking me?" but all in vain no one was able to hear him. He heard some people were talking within themselves, " Oh! such a great man he was but that car accident took his life in another country. His family requested the administration for his lifeless body and only this morning his dead body arrived. May Almighty grant him heaven and forgive all his bad deeds." He would hear the prays that was made for him. How everyone was crying for him. He cried, "Hey! I'm here only why are you crying? Can't you hear me?" but all in vain he was dead and no one could hear him. Then after a while, he felt the coffin was put down and the head of the coffin was opened. He felt someone grabbed his feet and one grabbed his head and took him out of the coffin. They put him on the ground and they started to stand-in a line. They were praying. After some time they lift his body which was lifeless now and put it a huge hole which they had already dug for the dead body. Then one by one everyone started to put the soil on the shroud until they made it to the ground level. Then one by one everyone left.

He was now alone, confused and scared. Now he was able to feel the coldness of the ground all over his body. He was now able to figure out that he is covered with soil all over and he is dead. After a while, he was able to hear a voice right to his ear, "Hello Dear, welcome to your last destination!"

© thelostpoetess_