

Rising Dead 11
  Sarah freaked out after hearing scream of her sister and started heading towards kitchen but remained zombie runs toward Sarah

     Tom is about to help her but another 2 zombies already here and engaging with Alex and Tom

Tom said to Alex " I Will take care of them , you go and help Bella "

Alex nods and kicks zombie in gut and zombie drops down on ground and Alex runs towards kitchen

Sarah trying her best to fight zombie and she stabs him in leg and his gut but zombie still managed to fight back

Alex running towards kitchen and mumbling himself " please be safe , please , please "

And he finally comes in the kitchen and saw Bella is standing on the kitchen and holding his small knife towards ground in panic and saying " stay away from me " Alex didn't saw anything else

Alex comes slowly to side for better view and say a small kid and his legs is cut and he is dragged his body towards Bella and trying to reach her but unable to come close to her

Alex come close to that zombie looking at him and then Bella
As Bella saw Alex she said " thanks to Gods you are here please save me "

Alex smiled little and said to Bella " don't worry " and winks and looks towards zombie and said " I am sorry kid but I have to do this " and delivered head crushing blow and the zombie drops dead

Alex looks towards Bella and forward his hand and said " come down "
Bella smiles and takes Alex hand and jumps down and hugs immediately Alex and said " thank you my hero "
Alex smirks little

    Other zombie lying in the floor gets up and started heading towards Sarah

Tom immediately cuts legs of zombie front of him and runs towards  Sarah

Sarah is managed to stab in head of zombies and taking a heavier breaths as the zombie drops on ground , she wipes blood on her forehead

But she didn't realize that another one zombie coming towards her as she starts walking towards kitchen but suddenly she hears loud growling voice coming from her back , she quickly turns back and saw zombie already too close to her

She takes steps back but she freeze on ground because zombie already reached close but suddenly Tom dicapitated the zombie , and his head rolls rolls down on the ground

    Sarah looks towards head of zombie Tom comes close to her and said " let's we have to save Bella "

Sarah looks at Tom and nods then they quickly runs towards kitchen

After coming close to kitchen they heard laughing Voice of Bella , Sarah runs towards her and hugs her from back and said " are you ok "

Bella said " yeah , I already killed that dengerous zombie " and winks towards Alex

Alex chuckels and said " so basically we saved you guys " as he started heading towards fridge and opened it

Tom smiled and before he say something Alex said " jackpot " then everyone looks direction of Alex and saw

Various vegetables , and food supplies , beer bottles and wine

  After sometime Tom said " quickly rainsack this entire place "

Everyone nods and started searching the house

Bella and Sarah comes in upper floor and started searching bedrooms
As the searching wardrobe Bella said in joyful voice " Sarah look here this pretty dress "

Sarah reaching table heard Bella's voice and turns back and looks at  dress in hands of Bella and said " wow it's really beautiful " and started heading towards her

Bella said " not only this but their are plenty of clothes and they are really awesome "

They started to rainsack entire wardrobe

  " So what did you find " Tom said to Alex as leans on sofa and Alex beaming with smile and show on his hand  battery inverter and various batteries

"And you " Alex said as chuckeling
Tom shows 4 flashlights , and 2 more wine bottles

Then Alex said " so let's go in upper floor " Tom nods
After few moments they come close to room where Sarah and Bella packing their new clothes , then Alex said " found anything "

Bella looks at Alex and Tom and smiles and said " this house is awesome " Sarah looks at them and said " you got anything special"
Tom and Alex said " nothing except few batteries and flashlight "

Tom said " let's go Alex we have to search another rooms because I don't think that girls going to leave this rooms early " as grinning Sarah said " what "  Tom smiled and and quickly leaves room with Alex

They enters bloody room earlier Tom saw with Sarah

"Wow so previously those zombies comes from this room " Alex said looking at bloody floor

Tom nods and started looking around and after some time he stopped and said to Alex " now this is real jackpot " and looks back at Alex and shows him
Shotgun in his hand

" WT...... " Alex staring at shotgun and smiles and said again " " let me take look " Tom gave him shot gun and start looking around for shells
Alex looking at shotgun and said " can use this brother ?"

Tom said " no , you are not ready " and looks back and at thoughtful expression on his face then start looking again and said " found it "
Alex said " what ? "

Tom shows him box of shotgun shells and slides in his back pack and said " my bag is full and yours "

Alex said " mine too " Tom signs and said " let's go then "
They come out from room and saw girls already left their room and they chatting in the stairs as they climbing down they both follow their lead

After everyone comes in hallway Alex looks at their back packs and then their hands holding traveling big suitcase and he said " what's in that suit case "

Sarah and Bella said at same time " our newly found clothes " as smiling
Then Tom asked them in curiously " what's in your bagpa_ " girls cuts him in mid and said again in same time " clothes "

Alex and Tom looks at each other and signs and said same time " girls and their clothes " and started leaving them

Bella and Sarah looks at each other and said " excuse me ,what did you guys said ?" 

But they already out of the house soon they followed their lead after some time

Tom said looking at road " so how about heading back ?"  Everyone nods 
As they started walking towards their home nothing interesting happed they came home safe

Stone greets them when they arrive and said " you came early ?" And looks towards their suitcase

But Tom said " don't ask " then Tom ,Alex  and Stone started laughing
Expect girls , they directly go upstairs without word

After sometime they eat their dinner and everyone started heading towards their rooms

Tom said to Stone " if you want I can take tonight_ "

Stone interupted him and said "  you needn't worry , go take some  rest " and smiles Tom nods and started heading towards his room

As he start climbing stairs he saw Alex and Bella talking on stairs

As Tom comes close they stopped talking and looks at him and Bella said " good night " Tom comes close and put hands on her head and said " Good night " looking at Alex he said " sweet dreams " and he leaves them alone

Bella and Alex watching Tom until he goes in Alex's room

Then Alex said " which room is better mine or another one " and grins
As Both of then leans each side of wall facing each other
Bella looks in eyes of Alex and said " not yours " and smiles

Alex stairs at Bella in disbelief and said " oh so my room in not good "
Bella said " you can say that "

Alex looks away and said " I wish , I had left you in that kitchen " and smiled a little
Bella's eyes widen and she punch Alex in his gut and said " I hate you "

Alex said " I am just kidding " and come close to Bella
Bella suprise as she saw Alex comes so close to her she just keep looking at Alex

" You know what , I am glad that you are here with me " Alex said in calm voice

Bella smiles and looks away from him , Alex saw Bella looks away from him so he steps backs and said " I .. sorry , good night " and started leaving

Bella looks at Alex and grabs his and and pulls him back and said " you know what you are idiot " and leans close to him
Alex said " yeah I guess you told me many times " Bella smiles and started kissing Alex now Alex is also kissing Bella after few minutes they both part from each other and Bella looks at floor

Both of them don't know what to say Alex is also looking everywhere then Bella said " goodnight " and leaves him but before she enter her room she take glance at Alex and smiles
Alex looks at floor and started heading towards his room ......

Sarah sleeping at Tom's bed and looking at picture of Tom , and dad and himself at the table
As she remembers what Tom said in that house and tears rolls down from her eyes ........

      Hive Headquarters .....

                " You failed me Rider " mysterious man said to Rider ,
They both sitting on opposite of each other

The man wearing white robe his hands on the table looking at Rider in disappointing gaze
    Rider said " Look here dad , I know I failed this mission but "
   " But what , they killed Ivan and you didn't even bring the antidote back "

   Rider locked gaze with his dad and said " Ivan that peace of shit already betrayed us , he didn't report us back what really happened their " and signs in frastation
     The man wearing white robe gets up from his chair and said " So his name is Kai , and he alone killed more than 33 soldiers "

" It's 34 including Ivan " Rider said in amusing smile
After some time one soldier come in the room and said " Mr Dillinger , government officials wanted to talk to you "

Mr Dillinger nods and then that soldiers leaves the room then
Mr Dillinger said to Rider " can you capture him alive ?"

Rider smiles and looks at table for some time and said in sorry tone " I don't know that man is ..." And starts scratching his forehead

  "Then leave him alone for some more days if he survive then we can capture him " as he leaves the room
Rider gets up from his chair and leaves the room and started walking big hallway as he walks various armed soldiers salutes him but he ignores them completely and headed towards another section of big lab ....

     " Mr Dillinger you promised us that you can bring us that powerful healing formula " one of person said in serious tone then various persons started to talking to each other in low voice

" I am trying to create Dr Joe's formula but it's impossible without previous antidote " Mr Dillinger said in uncertainty

  " We gave you chance to gain Dr Joe's  antidote but you failed in that task " another official speaks in disappointing tone

Mr Dillinger smiled and said " your guy failed us Mr McMillan " looking towards him

Mr McMillan said in loud voice " you dare to blame me " but suddenly Mr McMillan drops dead after some one fired gun

  Every government officials frightened and started looking at dead body of McMillan

Then Mr Dillinger said " look here guys we all know there is no law and government going to last forever expect one thing that is power "

One of official said " Mr Dillinger is right we already betrayed previous government so there is no point in arguing now , besides we needs Hives bioweapons "

  Everyone nods then Mr Dillinger said " good then I will provide you guys some of my personal bioweapons and In return I want absolute loyalty of every clan "

One of official said " clan ...? "
Other one said " yes we have to form different clans or we can say we have to occupy large lands for our own kingdom "

  " That's right , you can provide me with army material and I will provide you with my bioweapons for your kingdom " Mr Dillinger said as smiling

Some of official looks at each other and nods in agreement

  Mr Dillinger gets up from his chair and said " in this world only strong will survive and weak will die "

   One of official said " We can now do whatever we want even slavery "

   Everyone gets up from their chairs and started heading out .......

     Rider comes close to his father and said " So current government going down I guess "

   Mr Dillinger said " of course but we will rise with the help of our experimented super soldiers " .........

                 To be continued......


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