

Love and Fate
Fortune is something about which you cannot do anything. If it decides anything no matter how many planning you do things will never go according to you.
It was the time when teenagers experience vast changes within them. Haruto a normal high schooler living a peaceful life. He was good at studies so he didn’t have any parental problems also but there was something whiiich bothered him a lot. His neighbour Aiko who was also in the same school as Haruto. The problem was that Haruto liked her but didn’t knew how to express his feeling so he decide to keep quite and stay with her. One day he overheard a conversation of Aiko with her friends in which they asked her about how she feels about Haruto. Listening this Haruto was startled and curious to hear the answer but she avoided the talk by just declaring him as her close friend. Hearing this Haruto was sad. It was the time for farewell of high school. He went to her and talked in alone about this. He said “ Am I really nothing but a friend to you? But that’s not the case for me I like you very much and for a long time I was quite but overhearing this conversation I couldn’t keep my feelings contained anymore.” Hearing this Aiko said that its not like that. Haruto replied “ I will be waiting for you tomorrow on the bridge near the village. Say it truly whatever you feel.” Hearing this Aiko was a little surprised that she wouldn’t be able to accept the fact that she likes him but she thought that she had to do it.
The next day he was at the bridge for her reply but she was coming late during this time Haruto had planned what he will do after hearing her answer. He was preparing himself for all possible replies she could give but before even Aiko met Haruto a car suddenly came and hit Haruto off the bridge. By the time Aiko arrived he was injured badly and was unconscious. She immediately called the ambulance and took him to the hospital after being treated in ICU the doctor said that due to a serious injury in the head he has lost his memory of the past but there are chances that he will recover but if any memory is returned by force he could die also. The doctor advised to keep him away from those things which bring old memory so that he could avoid any possible triggers. He was also given a six months bed rest due to which his one year of school dropped. One year later he joined a new school in a city far from his home. He had a friend whom he met after memory loss so he got admission in the same school as his. Then after few weeks he met a girl (Shirley) whom he started to like but he not only met that girl but also encountered Aiko but as a senior as he dropped one year. But he wasn’t able to remember her so he introduced himself as a junior and unknown person. Even Aiko to avoid his memory getting triggered acted like they didn’t knew each other. Haruto and Shirley became good couple and were dating. But some how Haruto find an old photo in which he is together with Aiko. He hid that photo hoping that he would forget that photo as he didn’t wanted to loose Shirley. But after a few days Haruto started getting little triggers in his head due to which he started taking medicine but he didn’t inform Shirley about this. When Shirley visited his home she was looking his bookshelf and found the photo of Haruto and Aiko together and took it with her. She didn’t mention anything to Haruto due to the fear of loosing him but one day she saw Aiko and Haruto talking to each other where Haruto was keeping his head on Aiko’s lap. Shirley called to ask where he was but he didn’t pick up. She thought that he remembered everything and was going to leave her. She came in front of him and slapped him and ran away. Haruto ran behind her to explain everything. She was at his home crying Haruto reached her and explained that his phone was stolen and he suddenly got his memory triggered due to which he suffer a severe headache and fell by the road. Coincidently Aiko was nearby so she went to him and took him to the bench to give him his medicine. Hearing this Shirley showed the photo that he hid and asked about that. Haruto replied “ I don’t know exactly but before my memory was lost I and Aiko liked each other that’s why this photo existed” hearing this she weepingly asked him “why you didn’t tell me?” he replied that he was afraid of loosing her so he couldn’t get himself to say this. Hearing all this and with a long quarrel everything settled and they were back again how they were. But soon another and bigger problem approached. His memory was returning and his current memory was fading away. But he didn’t told this to Shirley as to not hurt her. But some how she got to know about this and for Haruto she broke up with him without telling the reason. He cried and asked her about it but she wasn’t answering her and didn’t wanted to talk her. Within few days his memory was almost about to fade out and he was returning to his village. At that time Shirley said that if you will remember me then promise me that you will come back for me. Haruto promises her. He returns to village and his memory of past has returned and present has faded. He couldn’t remember anyone from the present. Shirley came to meet him but not as Shirley but one of his friend name Oka. While leaving she showed him a pocket mirror which was a symbol of their love. They both had one but Haruto’s mirror broke and Shirley’s mirror was intact but after showing the mirror she immediately left. But few seconds later Haruto got triggered again and ran to look for hi mirror that was in his bag but when he looked at it he realised it was not his as it was still intact. He remembered everything about him and Shirley’s relationship. He immediately ran towards her but in the middle he encountered Aiko. Aiko seeing him said “ Go to Shirley she is still in the village. Go get her.” He ran immediately towards her and stopped her said “ I remembered everything ; you, me , and our promise that I will come to you.” Hearing this Shirley hugged him tightly.
Sometimes life drops you at point where you could not decide what to do and you don’t even know what is happening. But finding happiness in that confusion and disorder is love.

© Broken Dior