

Shatter the dropped project
Hey a quick introduction here.I started writing this story's first chapter in the begining of june already and decided to drop it because too many other books were unfinished though now with little motivation to write and even less time on my hands because of work I decided to post the unfinished first chapter.Enjoy and Join the Salvation

"A rising sun.A flying bird.A dying man keeps his word."
(Where did I hear that before.I can swear I heard it somewhere.Some wise quote from someone rich.)
The voice of a woman says.Young around 17.She sits with her back against the rim of a fountain.Blood runs down her mouth and nose and she has a bruise on her left cheek.The fountin sprays water out onto her bag full of school books.A group of three girls laugh and walk away.The sun starts setting as a dim light lights up the glass of the skyscrapers in the city.This unfortanute soul is Luna.Always bullied she's never truly spoken her mind or stood up for herself before though.Luna sits there and can't help tears from running her face.She has beautifull dark blue eyes and brown hair with a spiky triangle hanging over her left eye and a tied ponytail at the back of her hair.She slowly stands up and grabs her bag out of the fountin.She slowly walks with water dripping down to the floor.Her steps are slow and have almost no power in them.
(Why is this world so cruel)Luna thinks as she continues to walk through an alley way full of trash.Tears roll down her face until she trips ober her own foot and lands on top of her backpack and falls her wind out.She cries more as a glass shard as big as a blade of a pocket knife falls infront of her on the ground.It looks like a normal shard with a white shifting colour to it.She looks at the piece of glass and see's the reflection of her teared up eye.
"Why is this worth it?"
(Ever since I was young.It never really worked for me.My parents aern't even my parents.They got me from my real parents who had died.Treated me like a slave so they could get the money that was originally mine.Nobody cared either.They beat me.Made me do awful things.My uncle would hit me if I talked back and his wife not my first aunt forced me to eat things that made me vomit and took away anything I got.She said she had depression so she never let anyone pay attention to me.I know its wrong but Im too scared to do anything.Ive never done anything.Never fight back amd never loved.Im just like this glass.Shattered.)
Her tears stop as she picks up the shard with her right hand.She shakes allot and her eyes go big as she holds the shard up to her left wrist.She clunches her eyes closed and turns her head as she cuts her wrist.Afyer a while she opens her eyes and see's the glass is gone.Like it dissapeared.Her wrist wasn't even cut.There was only a closed scarr that looks like its been there forever.Luna breaks down giggling.
"Add hallucinations to the list now..."
She slowly stands up again and grabs her bag.The sun is starting to set now.She had been walking for a long time.Her home is far from the school.She then held her right hand over the door knob but heard her incle and his wife argueing.She shakes then moves her hand away and keeps walking on the path to the docks.There is was peacefull and she had a container with a couch where she studied whilst listening to the crashing waves of the sea putting her mind at ease.She started walking on the lot and saw a big gap with no containers at all.She's confused but walks ahead with her big anyway.Thats when she feels a powerfull force kick her back and she skids forward on the floor sliding her bag forward.She grunts then looks back to see a woman in boots amd a rather revealing skirt with high socks and jacket covering her chest and showing her belly button and a see through black shirt.Her hair is black and hangs down and her eyes reflect a orange fire colour with a smug smile on her face.
"I finnally found you thief.Give back the fragment you stole before this gets dirty!"
Luna shakes and breaths heavily as she is scared and confused at the same time.
"I...N...W...I don..."
"Oh my God you stuttring piece of..."
The woman says angry still with her smug smile as she kicks luna in the stomach.Luna spits up blood and coughs as tears roll down her face again.
"Now I'll ask you once more."
The woman says as her right arm goes up in flames with her right eye and right side of her face.The fire lights up the night.
"Where is the fragment?"
(Why is thid world...)
Luna think but doesn't say anything.
"Fine I'll kill you and take it myself."
The woman picks luna up with her burning arm and throws her with great force across the lot until Luna hits into a container breaking her left arm on impact and leaving a dent.
"Where is the damn fragment you little brat!"
Luna shatters.Her left arm shines with a bright white and breaks into several pieces of glass all the way up to her shoulder.The shards fly around Luna rappidly and burn with a mezomrising white flame.The wind the glass shards somehow create lifts her hair over her left eye and reveals it burning with a white flame.
"You lier your using it right now.Ive never seen glass as a fragment before tough.Come on bring it on!"
The woman yells as her left arm and face including the eye burn the same as her right side and turns into a walking flame.Luna looks at her with some fear then screams and lifts her right arm forward sending the shard flying forward and incredible speeds.The woman give out a huge fire blast forward to burn the shards but it does absolutly nothing.The shard fly through the flames and cut the woman's hands and hover behind the woman.The woman screams in pain then her smile turns to an angry frown as she looks forward grinding her fire teeth together.
"You little!"
The woman screams lifting her hand forward.Luna then steps back with her left foot first and the glass shard fly back through the woman one shard through her neck.No blood but the woman's fire body turns into smoke and dissapears.The glass returns to Luna's arm forming an arm out of shards.The shards mend together and turn into a normal human arm as Luna's hair falls down and her eye stays white.She then falls over and passes out as her arm reverts to its former form.

"Wake up!"
A soft male voice yells but sounds very echoed.Luna stands in a dark room and hears the voice but is drawn by a man standing across the black void holding out a hand with a black suit.His face is in shadows.She is terrified at his presance.
The voice yells this time not echoed.Luna wakes up and sits upright heavily breathing.She has a blancket around her legs and looks around to see she's in a treehouse with morning sun just glaring through the open window.A boy about her age(17) sits with crossed legs next to the sleeping bag she woke up in.He looks concerned with blonde hair in a bowl cut and shaved sides with brown eyes glaring in the sun.
"Are you okay?"
He asks.This boy?He's Simon.Not too close of a friend but someone who knows Luna enough to care.She always pushed him away so he kept his distance.
"...The fire...Where is the fire woman!?"
Luna asks urgently.Simon nervouslly grins then says
"Calm down.There is no fire woman.Sounds like a hell of a dream.I wanted to walk home with you but you had already gone and I tried catching up but you weren't on the normal path.I decided to check on you after dinner but you weren't home so I checked the docks and found you passed out with tears.I knew your uncle wouldn't really have thought too good about this so I took you here and let you sleep the night."
Luna smiles and rubs her head.
"Maybe it was just a dream..."
Her mind flashes back to the angry woman streching her hand for Luna with her final breath then jumps.
"Are you sure your okay?"
Luna hums yes with a scared face.Her stomach rumbles and Simon laughs.
"Im gonna go get some snacks.Be right back."
Simon says as he walks to the ladder exiting the treehouse.
Luna yells and stops Simon as he's about to climb down.
"...Do you...do you think its okay to kill bad people?"
"Oh like a sense of justice?"
"...Yeah.A sense of justice."
"Hmm...well I think thats up to you.I think killing these who have killed inocent people deserve to die.At the same time you should only kill when your willing to die yourself.Tough thats just me.You do what you think is right."
Simon says as he walks down the ladder and walks away.Luna sits there replaying that moment again and again whilst saying what Simon said questioning herself.Luna has never done something for herself.She's never gotten a chance to decide for herself.This was a very first.She lifts her left arm and tries to make it the way it was when she got attacked by the fire woman.Nothing happens.She does however feel a very sudden split second chill that dissapears in moments.She then falls onto the pillow as rocks breaks through the roof of the treehouse and lands on the floor.Luna is shocked and stands up backed up against the wall.The rocks starts moving and form a big creature with yellow eyes.The creature is muscular and looks at a scared Luna as it tries to speak.
"No scared.It fine.Me...friend like mortal say."
He speaks in a deep yet friendly voice and a confused face as he tries to gather his english words to speak.Luna decides to take action and jumps forward to punch eith her left arm but instead the step breaks the un stable floor of the treehouse and makes her fall.The rock creature jumps and grabs her mid fall and covers her breaking the fall and shielding her from falling wood.Luna passed out after hitting her head on the creature.She then wakes back up in a dirty cell with concrete floors,walls,a single steel bar door and a concrete bed.She is confused as to where she is and see's she's wearing an orange and dark blue jumps suit with long hangy pants and sleeves.
"Hi friend!"
The rock creature from earlier says standing at the door with a smile scaring Luna.She gasps and backs away.
"No scared.Me friend.Me buffallo."
Buffallo says in his derpy voice.
"H...Hi buffallo...Where am I?"
"Oh...this prison of gateway...they think you stole fragment so they want you capture.But buffallo think friend inocent."
"Whats gateway?"
Buffallo moans.
"The gateway my dear is a big group of powerfull people who control fragments.Fragments being the thing you stole.Looks like little glass shards and contain great power.Everyone who works for gateway had one of these shards power in them and someone stole some shards from the big boss over at gateway and one slipped into your dimension love."
The woman in the cell next door says.Pink hair and black eyes and a british accent.
Luna remembers back to the glass she tried cutting herself with.
"I didn't steal the shard...it was an accident.I tried slitting my wrist and it just..."
"Went into your cut covered it up and gave you some mega power.I mean you can't ignore the fact that you have it now.Sadly breaking out of this place is immpossible love."
"Who are you and what is this place really?"
"Its a place for beings the gateway don't like.Your not the only one here with a fragment.They won't kill you yet.The boss has beter rhings to do than deal with some low life prisoners like us.You have probably a month at best before they make their decision.My trial is tommorow.Im Cass in human translation.Just a prisoner who defied the boss of gateway as part of the exit rebeblion."
"The exit?"
"Friend must be quite.Rounds checks start now."
Buffallo says as he walk away from the cell.Luna collapses on the floor her back against the wall and her hand shaking and hel over her head in fear trying to process what she had just heard.

Anyway yeah sorry to cut it tgere but that was shatter chapter 1 unfinished.I had allot of ideas for this like adding a new chracter who is a small cop who used to be a detective and he accudently takes one shard of glass home for evidence.Story and plot later he gets stabbed by it and recieves the power to make an armor of bend able bone around his body which gives him strength,defence and makes him look like the armored titan from AOT.Oh and Luna grows some confidence and trains later on she would be able to shift the glass into a huge blade almost like the prototype games so aloot of potensial I just never had the motivation to finish it off so thanks for reading and honestly message me if your intrested in seeing me improve and finish this story or any of my others because I'll try if I get the chance to

Bye for now and join the salvation.🌹

The characters,name and story are all original ideas owned by Salvation Writing/Gabriel Swanepoel and cannot be re used or sold.
© salvation writing