

"I will not accept it.."
Ashfur ran his hand through his hair nervously. "Baby.. Your tense. What's wrong?" Keiran asked. "I have to go get River tomorrow." Ashfur said. Keiran tilted his head, confused at his fiancés expression. "Then why are you so stressed?" He asked. "I told you I'd accept him, he's still your child." Keiran said. Ashfur smiled softly internally. He had the best fiancé and mate in the world. "What about Crow?" Ashfur asked. Keiran looked away, he'd rather not talk about the Alpha male. "What about him?" Keiran asked. Ashfur sighed. "How am I supposed to explain this?" He asked showing off the diamond studded ring. "He doesn't like it that's his fault not yours." Keiran said. "And what about Scourge? I've been ignoring his texts and calls because I don't know what to say to him." Ashfur asked. "Baby you need to calm down." Keiran said softly. Ashfur sighed. "When do you fly out?" Keiran asked. "Tomorrow." Ashfur said. "Then you go there, get the kid and come home to us." Keiran said. Ashfur nodded. "And besides when you come home tomorrow, we'll do some exploring." Keiran said. Ashfur nodded, smiling now that his Alpha got his mood back up. "Okay." He said. "Hey, I heard the Ice Castles and Charmingfare Farm is fun and they're not too far from here." Keiran said. Ashfur nodded. "Kay. That sounds fun." He said. "And Willow will absolutely love the horse trail rides." Keiran said. Ashfur nodded. "And besides there's a wedding venue there." Keiran said winking. Ashfur rolled his eyes. "Slow down, we just got engaged." He said. "I know." Keiran smirked. Ashfur rolled his eyes again. "You keep this up your sleeping in the far room that's away from our room." He said. Keiran gulped. "That won't be necessary." He said quickly. "We'll see." Ashfur said. Keiran's wolf whined at his Omega's comment. "Remember I call the shots on whether we're being intimate each night or not." Ashfur reminded his Alpha. Keiran nodded. "Yes, you don't need to remind me." He said. "Good." Ashfur said.
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