

Listen to me my son
Book entitled
The vision,the word and salvation
Written by Apostle Bonifácio

Title: Listen to me my Son,said Jehovah

Dear brothers and sisters,i humble come to you in the Name of the living Lord "Messiah",may the holy light of the Living God shine upon you always.

I came to share the living word of Jehovah the Supreme God.

Thus says the Lord, "Listen to me my son"

I have blessed you abundantly.
If you could see how blessed are you,surely you would connect the microphone with the speakers and tell the world how blessed is God who poured His blessings upon you.

You are worth more than the kings of this cruel world,truly they use cars or airplanes when they want to travel,anytime they stuck,but you are carried by the angels of the living God...truly,you are up more than the mountains.

Is hard for you to see what your heavenly Father tells you today,but be glad for what the Lord your Maker tells you,because He doesn't lie and His words never fail.

Keep yourself closer to Christ the Redeemer,and I will be with you always.
Keep entertaining God your Maker,and His hand will be always on Your forehead.

The protection of the living God says to Almighty God,Alpha and Omega, "we feel at home by your son because his mind,heart and spirit glorify you all the time".

God says to His protection,keep protecting my son,for His humbleness pleases me.

Listen to me my Son,keep witnessing what many do not see and I will be good to you.

Do not be like those who deny the truth,for it's true that the truth died for your salvation,that by accepting that Jesus is the Lord and Saviour,you are saved.

I have granted you the spirit of truth to help you to carry your
cross and follow the footsteps of my Son "Jesus Christ".

Let them deny the existence of Jesus Christ-the salvation,but you shall keep the truth in your heart and never throw it away for my truth means "everlasting life".

The Holy Spirit,wants to teach you a good lesson,simply listen to it for your elevation it's on His hands.

You are what you think you are not,simply conquer that fear and doubts.

Fear not for I am with you.
Glue your heart unto the Holy Spirit,and forever I will be with you.

Keep using the talents which I have granted you,do not hide them for by doing that you are already condemned.

The homeless gods will always pay you a visit,but I have given you the Name which conquer the evil spirits,Jesus Christ is the only Name which you shall use to burn the wicked ruler and his demons.

I love you,and I know that I am talking with the right person.
I will be with you always.

Son & the
Holy Spirit.Amen

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