


A blog that will change the way you write your blog headlines

Everybody understands how important it is to write headlines of their articles/blogs in such a manner that they induce a strong curiosity in the minds of discerning readers and readers feel a compelling urge to explore the article or at least engage with the first paragraph. You know what, your headlines should be kind of a show-stopper.

But it is easier said than done. This is not only important for articles and blogs, it is also important for selecting a title for your book and for even naming your blog website cover page

If you are a brochure content writer, copywriter, catalog writer, flyer writer, or even a mailer creating a compelling headline is the biggest challenge. The headlines have to be attention grabbers in their essential disposition. They are like moon-glow.

The challenge lies in being compassionate for the target audience. As a writer, you should be able to read your target readers' needs and fancies. After all, we have a mission there, right? To reach out to the target audience in the milling crowd with our message.

A stray writer usually bends to pick up flashy words hoping that that would do the trick but they do not work really. Your words will have to touch the reader's weakness and/or curiosity with a loving touch and a strong and trustworthy promise of assuagement.

Yes, I do agree that your words, phrases, or expressions need to have some flash, a spirit of elation or solemnity in them too. Besides raising the curtain to let the reader a glimpse of what's behind it, it should be able to withstand the daylight scorch of the discerning reader's judgment and cognition, and they have to be fun too.

A very witty play of words may even fail to impress. Readers are human beings loaded with emotions, sentiments, and attitudes and hence they would love to see, smell, feel, hear, and taste your words. The truth has to be spoken with confidence and right away.

Knowing your target audience is the key. Knowing their habits and habitats, hopes and aspirations, troubles and tribulations, age, sex, creed, the color will automatically drive you to the right words and phrases.

You have to put yourself where your readership stands and look up to what headline you have created. Your audience may not fit into your frame of perception. Your perception may be very dear to you but that may not impress your audience. Something might have worked elsewhere but the same may not work in the case of your audience. You have to get into their frame of perception. And that's no less that could be a world war-like challenge.

The key to success is reading. Reading helps massively and grooms your vocabulary and language. When I am talking about reading, I urge you to read everything, from trash to classics and across all literary genres. Some people read with a competitive spirit. That never helps. Quality of reading matters.

Every content, whether it's on your blog page or a short message on Twitter, whether it's a YouTube header or a brochure headline they all need to be as strong as your novel character. Your headline is no less than a novel character; it has a personality, a trait, and works to convey a message or shows a way out. They have a message to render and a service to perform at the end of the day.

So how do you go about it?

Well, you have many options. You can play with words, you can even go poetic. You may consider asking a question that induces the reader to rake their mind. You can even consider throwing a challenge to the reader, daring them; confront them involving them instantly in your message.

Headlines that promise to explain why and when are kind of sure-shot hits. You invite the reader for some extraordinary treat of things. Threatening the reader of dire consequences could be an option too. Some writers choose an impressive testimonial for their headline.

Sometimes an enticing offer is made to lure the reader into your message behind the title. You can use power words to boost the power of your headlines. Use power words.

Finally, I must admit, the trick lies in intuitively listening to your inner voice. You must pay attention to what your heart says, write it, and review it over and over again till your intuitions confirm it. Dare to challenge yourself.

A writer for sure faces a mighty challenge in accomplishing all that. It may sound pretty hard but then the truth of it cannot be denied.

© srikantr