


Do not allow anybody to feel comfortable when disrespecting you, and do not ever intentionally put yourself in a position where you will easily and freely be disrespected by selling yourself short, respect is reciprocal and it is given to whom it is due, respect is earned, it is not an entitlement, one of the ways of getting genuine respect is by always saying what you mean and always mean what you say, always being accountable for everything and being transparent in all your dealings, also by keeping to promises and carrying out your responsibilities as a human being, it is called being "HUMANE"

An adult is expected to be responsible and act like an adult, there is a distinct difference between being a child and being an adult, an adult in his right frame of mind should always know what to do and to do it at the right time to avoid, avoidable problems, saying "SORRY" when you are wrong is never a sign of weakness but a great sign of strength, it takes a lot of intelligence and courage to identify your mistakes and admit to them, that is the only way to make it right and make sure you don't repeat them, saying sorry for doing something wrong is very good, but allowing the same mistake to happen again because you know that you can always sorry yourself out of the situation is foolishness.

Like the saying goes; FOOl ME ONES, SHAME ON YOU, BUT FOOL ME TWICE, SHAME ON ME, because it means you did not learn anything from the mistake, mistake creates an atmosphere for lessons to learn from and improve yourself by building a better character, mistake is the best teacher, life is all about striving to become a better person with every breath that you take, and also trying to make a positive change with every day that pass, each moment is a chance to make a change, you are alive for a reason, do your best to stay far away from trouble even though some troubles are unavoidable, you can avoid the unnecessary ones by doing what you know is right, and doing it because it is the right thing to do, not because you want to please some people, if you live your life to always please people, you will never achieve anything meaningful, it will limit your potential, pleasing people at your own expense is highly detrimental to your essence and purpose and what you stand for as a person because IF YOU DON'T STAND FOR SOMETHING, YOU WILL FALL FOR EVERYTHING.

Do not live your life to prove anything to anybody, live your life by doing what is right, even though, sometimes doing the right thing makes some people feel uncomfortable, do it anyway, nothing good is borne out of comfort, there has to be pain before you can gain anything good in life or else you will never value what you have, live your life the best way you know is right to live and make sure you don't cheat or deny people of living their own lives. LOVE, PEACE, UNITY, AND PROGRESS are the best recipe for a good LIFE.

F.I.D libraries