

For The Last Time
The Moe Hanks meets Annabella Lucia

. Moe Hanks is Truck Driver from a small town Savannah, Tennessee. has 7 Children. As his wife Lila Hanks, is getting his clothes packed up. Moe, is saying goodbye to the kids. Lila, brings his bag out to the Truck it's a new 1962 Pete. He kisses Lila, goodbye. And he tells them that he has to drive straight to Brooklyn NY. As Moe, pulls out and on his way to Brooklyn, NY. He doesn't have a clue as what he's going to get himself into. He's been running very hard to make it on time. 19 hours he's pulling in to Brooklyn, NY. He's sitting in his Truck doing his log book. And all of a sudden he sees this beautiful young Sician girl and their talking about how much she loves his new truck and how nice he looks. So she asked if she could ride in his truck, and he said sure you can. Oh! I'm Moe Hanks, and she said I'm Annabel la Lucia. And she climbed into the passenger side door and got into the sleeper and waited until the dock hand left and Moe, pulled out of the dock and closed the doors, and they pulled away and end up spending the night together. And he left to go get his load on to head back home. Unaware of who Annabelle father was. And Annabel la Lucia was in great trouble because she was pregnant and by a white man who was 33 year old, and she was only 14 years old and was sent home to the old country. ., Sicily. Her father Tony Lucia was so inscribed by her pregnancy he was looking for the father of her baby. On 14 May 1963

The Twins are born

On 15 May 1963 on a Wednesday morning around 5:00Am Bagario, Sicily A half breed Twins A baby Boy and a Baby Girl Born to Annabelle Sorta Lucia, And White American Moe Hanks The Baby Boy was Tattooed on the Left Hand behind his left thomb the shape of a tear drop in the center of the teardrop in one way1 it looks like a L and if you turn it you'll see a 7. He was Born Anthony Daemin Lucia His Siciaian Grandfather Tony Lucia, then let took the Half-breed Bastard Baby Boy from his mother and sent him to Brooklyn, My where he waited for his father to to come for him. And his name was changed in Savannah, Tennessee. Moe Hanks Jr. Because. Half-breeds Can't be Trusted. For They would turn on either side of the family's under the Siciaian Believes.. They can never have Any large amounts of money or power..And they never accept any Siciaian or Italian inheritance. And he can never Hold any Or Rank in the Lucia Family.Excpt as what he will be Trained to do.And the oath is a blood oath till death or killed out. My Father Tony Lucia, Separated the twins and they can never Have any contact with each other for life.
20 May 1963. My Son maybe one day we will meet again Love your mother Annabelle S. Lucia.

Annabella Lucia is told

told she is no longer his daughter
June 10, 1963 my father returned to Bagario, Sicily. To tell me I'm no longer his daughter. And I have to leave the house and go to live with my uncle Alfredo Lucia in Brooklyn, mine. Annabella, you are prohibited from trying to find that child or his father. my father had no idea where the Father of my precious twins lived. But my son Anthony. I would never do anything to hurt you. if my father ever found out that where he's from. I wouldn't even have thought of something like this just by thinking about you, he would have killed us all for that. I love you sweet son Annabella Lucia.

Anthony Lucia gets a new name

Moe Hanks Jr was born the son of Moe Hanks Sr. And Lila. 15 May 1964.in Savannah, Tennessee.

15 May 1968 my 5th. Birthday

I didn't know my Father

I never knew who my Daddy was I never remember him I was 7 years old I went into Jim Marymen's Refig. Co. And I lied to get a Coke Grace Marymen made me wait for Her husband Jim to come in and he caught me in a lie. Jim made me work for that Coke. And then he carried me home and told my mother and Grandpa Dan Jones what I had done. Mother was renting our house from him. And he forgot to tell them he made me work for the Coke and they tore my but up
Anthony Lucia's 10tn Birthday

My son Antonio, it's been 10 years ago this 20 May 1963 since I last saw your Beautiful Face. Oh how I wonder what you would look like today. And much have you grown. My son Anthony, please do not hate me. My son if I would have faught my father he would have killed the 3 of us. Anthony, your grandfather has killed many of men to become the Godfather of the 5 Familys. The Lucia Family in Manhattan,Ny. It's called Little Italy. My home is a in Brooklyn,Ny. My Beautiful son I was 15 when I gave birth to you and your twin sister Connie. I have told her about you and where you are and that your with your father and his family. My Twins Mother is sorry that you was separated is babies I Will always Love You no matter what love your mother Annabella Lucia

Antonio Lucia meets Sophia Gambra

Antonio and Michelangelo's mother Sophia Gambrio, I met her on beautiful spring Day.
She was the most Beautiful girl I have Saw. I wouldn't have believed that her on father cut her throat in 1979 in front our boys were only Year old..I loved her so much and I miss her too this very Day. And so does Antonio an Michangelo I hope he is with his mother he took his life in 1985 I miss you both so much I love you. Anthony Deaimen Lucia

Anthony's telling Antonio about Sophia

Sophia called and
told me she was in the hospital in labor...we lived in Bagaria, Sicily. I arrived at the hospital and Sophia was still in Labor all day e on 20 June 1978 she gave birth to twin sons Sophia called and told me she was in the hospital in labor...we lived in Bagaria, Sicily. I arrived at the hospital and Sophia was still in Labor all day e on 20 June 1978 the Doctor came out 7:22 pm...She fine and she gave birth to twins both boys and they were healthy and fine...I went in to see her and our babies... She said she named them Antonio Damian Gambia

an Atony Pauli
Gambria they we're my first born... Sophia Ines Gambria she was mixed half Sicilian and half white like myself our marriage was arranged we were married at the age of 12 years old we were married on 5 July 1977... Sophia was a beautiful girl and I fell in love with her... When the boys were 1 year old her father noticed that Michaelangelo's eyes were blue and he slit her throat from ear to ear in front of my son's. And I swore to him that I would kill him for what he had done to my Beautiful wife Sophia. I watched him eat connolies as he was dying of the poison it took me 8 years to get even. we came back to house where my son's were and got them. And flew back to the States to live... She was killed and he went crazy I was sorry to hear that...
Anthony D. Lucia.

Anthony meets Caroline
It's a been a week since I've seen my wife we're in the car driving to a warehouse to where we will pick up two trucks John well drive the first truck and I will drive the second truck following behind Anthony is in the truck with me brother is a new truck with John. Peterbilt trucks are all black a brand new no one is ever driven except for the people that built me no one is to ever set inside of these trucks. I keep thinking about this policy if in my head no women no children no disabled and handicapped we're on our way back to San Diego until we have to leave again we're running really fast and hard the damn truck. Now I understand what I have to do and it's not going to be great it's like being in the middle of hell for all eternity enough Uncle John and I talk to each other I'm radios in the one to here but us Antonio is laying down freaking San Diego they will go to their training it's like I did and the other six. San Diego at work in the morge with Doc. technician to Doc. May God have mercy on my soul sincerely Antonio D.Lucia

from this day on. Anthony Lucia takes the Oath in NYC

Its my 16th. Birthday and my wife Caroline and I and Uncle John and Aunt Maria Lucia Travathen are flying to Brooklyn New York for I Will stand before Tony Lucia and I will take an oath Lucia family only God knows. Of what I'm getting into I hope and pray and I don't mess up I'm so damn nerves that I don't mess up. Looking out the window the plane we're over New York City now we're landing here shortly I will be giving this oath. After landing at LaGuardia airport we got into a black Cadillac which the driver drove us into the City by Brooklyn New York I took my Oath then I done great with it everyone stood up and shook my hand and a pinky ring was placed on my finger. Grandfather Tony Lucia, Don of Don's also another name for me The Godfather did you become a man today you will fly back to San Diego California tomorrow will your fat wife and Uncle John and Aunt Maria Lucia Travathen do you will be given a test that you have to do you cannot fail this test 5 a.m. the next morning we were on plane headed back to San Diego California Uncle John and I were talking and he gave me my orders you are the fly Palmetto, Uncle John explains to me what I have to do and you cannot fail if you have to do it. John told me I will tell you when you have to go he will go alone just remember everything I taught you my son and you'll do great we will be practicing every day until I tell you got to you can do it. Sincerely Anthony D. Lucia

Anthony brings Michelangelo and and Antonio home
Uncle John drove me to the airport in San Diego California 12:02 a.m. he gave me the orders of what I had to do I'm on my way to Palmerro, Sicily. So nervous scared that don't know what I'm going to do it's really a long flight 14 hours. I just woke up I'm down below has bone Palmerro, Sicily. I'm to bring my twin son's 9 years old it took a little while but everything went good can I have the boys on the plane we're headed back to San Diego California. It's been 14 hours then we're back in

San Diego at the
Airport I still got another six hour flat in the New York City. John just informed me that I was to keep Antonio with you me. And train him very well for he will be my keeper he would do everything that he is told they coming from this day on he will
fill up the gas everybody will see him he will pump diesel fuel the truck diesel fuel in the truck but I will be driving no one can see in and we only run at night we will talk inside Warehouse during the day. Anthony you will become Luciano 7 you're the oldest of the 7 of you. What have I got myself into why they keep call me Anthony I don't know sincerely Antonio Lucia.

Charlotte is born

Caroline just woke me up she's in labor and we run to the hospital in San Diego where son or daughter will be born it's been 5 hours now and still no baby. my god how long does it take. Doc and
Uncle John and Aunt Maria Antonio and Michelangelo are here with me I'm here it is 15 after midnight 30 April 1980 the doctors come out and said that I was the father of new baby girl I was so pleased I was so happy she was beautiful like her Mother one week later. Uncle John Informed me that we were moving to Memphis Tennessee to work in the morgue there's going to be a long hard job there because everybody's prejudice and here I have a Indian wife and Indian daughter an attitude out of this world nobody's going to fuck with them and I do mean nobody a week has past and we're all loaded up. The four of us are flying Memphis, Tennessee. Our home is a three-story house on the corner of Vance and Peabody.. Doc. just up the Street we work downtown Memphis forensic center. Caroline just loves our new home she never had anything like it. Caroline and I Share the same birthday month she was 14 May 1964 and I was 15th. May 1963 I will never forget the beautiful bride I had I loved so much I will never forget Caroline I love you so much. Sincerely Antonio Lucia.

Antonio Lucia birthday
Today my beautiful son and daughter your it's been 20 years now. Since held you my son. You're Uncle John, and Aunt Maria my oldest sister. Has been slipping me Photos of you since you ranaway from home to San Diego California. And that you were married at 16 to Caroline Yellow horse and you have a Daughter her name is Charlotte. My son I am sorry for the loss of your wife at such a young age at 18 the Memphis Tennessee thank you for giving me a granddaughter for Connie has not. My son I'm sorry that your father had taken you there to his family and left you. With his family. I have been informed that you. You was mistreated by everyone except Mrs, Hanks you're mother and that she adopted you. can you change your name to Moe Hanks Jr. Your date of birth 15 May 1964 but you were born 15 May 1963 your birth name is Anthony Damien Lucia you're lucky one you were born with a dual citizenship you can live in each country in the United States of America and Sicily Italy. Your new soon to be wife is Julia Christie Loveless. I love you my son your loving mother
Annabelle Lucia.

Caroline passed away
Call just came into
the morgue and Doc,came into tell me that Caroline was gone.. Aunt Maria had found Charlotte crying and cling to her motherin the kitchen floor or Charlotte. Doc wouldn't let me drive cuz I was so upset he drove the van Aunt Maria had Charlotte at my home. State of Tennessee says someone dies at home they have to have an autopsy is mandatory.Doc told the detective with the Memphis Police department that she had leukemia Doc and I was sitting on the floor holding Caroline.. Doc told him we was doing the autopsy that I was helping him. with my left hand and handing him his instrument and holding her hand with the right hand. Doc and I both crying as we done Autopsy. since she was a runaway Indian even though she was 18 they took her back to Indian reservation and I was not allowed to be there for her burial 1 year later I took our daughter Charlotte to be with her grandparents. wouldn't be no places around her. The hardest thing about it is like my daughter as they drove off I watched the car for as far as I can see before we get on the plane.I to make a deal with. Her grandmother. That I would never try to ever see her again and no contact of any kind no pictures no nothing I agreed Charlotte was 18 years old and I was in California I got a phone call to go to LAX airport for the car was going to come pick me up and take me. Arrived airport I had no idea who I was picking up there until they come out the gate and then I tell her why she would just like her mother she had a nice looking young man weather Indian boy and a baby my oldest granddaughter her name is Caroline after grandmother we drove to San Diego swimsuit she was born where her mother and I spent most of their time she had all her mother's diaries anyway flew Memphis next morning. Don't worry mother passed away the lady I sold the house to let Charlotte's room was still locked no have been in there everything still the same we rent truck cured everything but to San Diego Charlotte took everything with her. Got it was so great seeing my daughter Charlotte your Daddy loves you
sincerely Antonio Lucia.

Chapter Two
Anthony thinking about his past

Anthony, said Aunt Maria.
Yes ma'am replied Anthony. What are you thinking about. Anthony replied. All the life that I once had. With not knowing really who I was. Aunt Maria,he said I'm not supposed to ask any questions about Moe Hanks Jr or Anthony Lucia. And why I am living two different lives. And why God has taken Sophia and Caroline from me. And like now we're on the plane taking Charlotte to her lgrandparents in Montana where I will be leaving her. And I'll be leaving losing her as well how much more will I lose in this game Aunt Maria said I don't know if my son how much longer and how much more an I going to lose. Anthony said that Aunt Maria... Aunt Maria one day I will take that seat and Everyone will see I'm running all five families and that is a promise. I wonder how long Julie and l will stay together he asked Aunt Maria. And she said you guys were ment for each other Anthony.said Aunt Maria

Annabella talking to her son in a journal Little Maria's not feeling well April was born was born My 29th Birthday

Savannah airport bring your family

My phone just rang and I answered it.. Antonio, the plane just left New York 2 hours ago you and your family have 2 hours to be at the Savannah/Hardin county Airport you Julie and all the kids..you all are flying to Palmero Sicily Italy. Don't ask any questions or who your going to see no names just listen and do as your told. When it was over and we was home I still don't know who that lady was or anyone there
sincerely Moe Hanks

turned 30 todayIt's

my birthday today and Im 30 years old and I just got home.. Julie and the kids yelled happy birthday.. I was surprised. It was a birthday to remember thank you all I love you.. Sincerely Moe Hanks Jr.

The night we met Jane

you and your Mother had came by to talk with me and that was the night the that Antonio showed you around the bus and you asked him for my phone number... Baby you called a bit of time later and asked me if you could come over but you needed a ride so I sent Antonio to get you...Honey that is when it all started with you and I... Baby you spent the night but we just talked .
Sincerely Moe Hanks Jr

Jane you and your Mother had came by to talk with me and that was the night the that Antonio showed you around the bus and you asked him for my phone number... Baby you called a bit of time later and asked me if you could come over but you needed a ride so I sent Antonio to get you...Honey that is when it all started with you and I... Baby you spent the night but we just talked .
Sincerely Moe Hanks Jr. 9 May 2014

Jane you Called again

Hello, hey it's Jane. What are you doing. asked Jane.? Nothing just laying around looking like this replied Moe. Can you come get me? Asked Jane. Sure where are you ? Asked Moe. Behind Doctor Ramos's office in Adamsville. Said Jane.! I'll be there in 20 minutes replied Moe.,! So pulled in behind dr. Ramos is office and Jane was standing there looking so beautiful and sexy as ever she said Moe, what do you think about our age difference?. I just think it's just a number said Moe! Same here replied

Jane! Jane do you like

Red Lobster? Asked Moe... I've never eaten there before replied Jane! You'll love it Jane! Said Moe. Florence, Alabama is where we are going to going for dinner,! Replied Moe... Jane you Beautiful baby! Said Moe... We're here Jane! Moe got out and walked around his Siver 2008 Chevy Equinox and opened the door for Jane. Thanks Moe said Jane,! That's what a gentleman is supposed to do for a lady! Said Moe. Welcome to Red Lobster,! Said the hostess!Moe, said thank you ma'am do you have a corner booth her table, where we can have some Privacy? asked Moe. Yes sir I sure do this way please said the hostess! They had a wonderful dinner great
conversation went by the mall done with shopping all the way home Jane would you stop on some of the way place like a farm road or chlorophyll for a farm Field road so they can have sex it was great he got home back then goodbye soon they continue to went back to went to bed and continue to have sex all night long and it was great for them both...

Jane, you bought

theshirt I have on in the picture it's my birthday

Jane, I have a picture of the shirt that you bought me and I have a pocket watch with a cross on it that you gave me the same time on my 50th birthday 15 May 2014

Just got home from Phoenix Arizona

Just got home from Phoenix Arizona. From Fed. Court my Sentencing.. I'm at my Bus And here lying in my bed is my Beautiful Princess Jane As I sit down on the bed beside you Jane. I leaned over and kissed you you woke up and kissed me and we hugged for what seemed like forever.. and I told you what my Sentencing was I had to be back in Phoenix, Arizona.. to the fed. Prison by 30 December 2014. For one year and go-to a ha