

Happiness is a choice, it doesnt come from any ourtside influence, true happiness can only come from within. No person or thing has the ability to make you truly happy unless you allow it, but it starts inside you. True happiness will not simply come to you. But through patience, understanding, kindness and love it can be discovered already living in your mind, heart, and soul. Be yourself, If others don't like it or try to change you, then let them be, not one person or thing on this earth has the ability to affect your state of mind unless you let it be so (that is, if you give away your control of you). Maybe you once held happiness and feel like you lost it, but im here to tell you, its not lost, its quite possibly just buried, maybe under grief, regret, loss, or perhaps an inescapable impulse to please others and or put others happiness before your own. Life is not about pleasing everybody, especially if that means it diminishes your own self worth, or forces you to put the needs of your own mind, heart, and soul on a second teir. You are the main character in the story of "YOUR LIFE", you are the hero and the only one who has the power to make those all important life altering decisions, and make you happier, and change your ending for the better. Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect, but simply that you've chosen to accept the imperfections. Life will bring you pain all by itself, and it's your responsibility is to create joy, and happiness for yourself and then spread it, but spread it, dont give it away, its yours to keep forever, you've earned.. Wake up breathe deep, exhale the troubles and worries of the old you, inhale a new happier you, and smile today is the first day of your new life, if thats what you choose.

Aaron A. Laszlo