

Dystopianople: Utopia- Chapter 4 (End)
I raced towards them, the last of the people ran in and just as Humphery was about to close it he spotted me and the creature following, his face becoming pale. I ran into the hallway, running into a wall where I stopped, breathing heavily from running.
My eyes swelled with tears again, I quickly wiped them and rushed to hurry with the others. My heart still pounding in my chest.
The dark tunnel made my stomach drop, the walls were damp and all a cold draft hit my face. I couldn't see anything as I moved forward down a slight slope, but I could hear the footsteps and scarred whispers of everyone in front of me.
I knew Humphery was behind me, his heavy steps followed close. I heard a flick and a flash of light sparked from behind. The sparks soon turn to a steady burn of a torch. As it did a crash sounded from the entrance to the tunnel as it collapsed, the light from it quickly was blocked by boulders. Everyone turned to look at it before quickly moving forward faster, the torch made the back of my neck feel hot, sweat dripped down my face.
The tunnel soon opened up to a room with a continuous tunnel across it. The large group of people stopped in it with Humphery pushing past me and others to get to the center, his torch showing the scared faces of everyone.
The silence was broken by his deep voice that echoed strongly through the tunnels, “I am proud to have brought you all here, even if it will become even tougher from now on.” The forty to fifty people squeezed in the room comforted each other, the tension was high.
Humphrey continued, “I know we're all scared, but we must stay strong. You all have to trust me!” His words sounded almost offended as if he was trying to broadly convince everyone of his leadership. A man comforting his family stood up tall, his voice forced steady, “And how do you expect us to survive? We have no food or water!”
Humphrey kept his voice soft, though his low voice made it difficult to overhear, “If we follow these tunnels, we will find a way out.” Everyone whispered among themselves of agreement. Humphrey then lifted his torch and continued through the tunnel.
What seemed like hours later everyone found themselves exhausted, including me. My feet were sore and dragged across the stone, threatening to collapse at any given moment. Out of nowhere a cold draft blew through the tunnel, and voices chatted excitedly.
I pushed myself through the narrow hall past people until I reached the front. A large hole in the side of the tunnel revealed the dim light of the overworld. Humphrey signed everyone quiet as he took a step out. The loud sound of a waterfall drowned out any noise.
Humphrey then looked back at me, signing everyone to come. As I walked out of the tunnel my eyes burned from the light, a tall waterfall poured out, lightly spraying everyone. The water fell into a river leading through a large redwood forest. The trees towered hundreds of feet above us, challenging the close mountains.
Everyone’s faces lit up, a few running to the water to drink, including myself. I kneeled down and scooped the clear, cold liquid up to my face. The water refreshed me as I splashed it on my face, cleaning it of sweat and dirt.
Humphrey called to everyone, “Everybody rest here. Charlie, Dekoda, come with me!” I quickly stood up and walked to Humphery. I recognized the man who responded to Dekota, it was the brown haired guy in that tunnel a couple months ago. His narrow eyes were dull with exhaustion, and by how he looked at me I guessed I looked the same as well.
Humphrey’s booming voice made us almost flinch, “While everyone is resting I want to check something…” His voice sounded curious, as if he was hiding something. I kept my feet planted, “What is it?” The older man had more energy to his voice, “When I was a child I had heard stories of this waterfall, it was about how there was a collapsed cave behind it that became a large cavern. If the stories are true it could be a place to hide from those… Shadow creatures.”
Dakota nodded, and we followed him against slick rock, soaked from the waterfall. My feet slid on the stone, but I kept my balance. Humphrey stopped walking, “Here…”