

Repentance That Leads To The Revival of Repentance: the Awaking of the Mind of Christ in the Body of Christ
The Beginning of Repentance

The Fall and Everything that Turned Evil

The Christ of God


Asking, Seeking, and Knocking with Passion, Will, and Purpose

The Spirit of the Love of Life

Salvation's Recreation

God, Others, and Ourselves

I am so glad for the Lord to give me opportunity to express what I have seen according to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and our fallen state in this fallen world. I hope my writting this is able to help the tides of change in this world in your life, as I believe this writting shall help go to change many hearts and minds towards loving God, others, and ourselves righteously, correctly, and properly and bring about the Revival of Repentance around them. I write this to all: unto the unbelievers so that can see and believe, unto them that believe so that they can see more clearly what they believe in, and unto the bitter of heart so that they might see the reality of why they need to come unto a love beyond measure and living the doctrine of forgiveness. I have some new terms and/or new uses of old terms (Justice of Mercy and Doctrine of Forgiveness as examples, and many more etc...), which is most needed for the reader to clarify and wrap their minds around to make full sense of all that is in this book. Howbeit, most importantly, we all must be coming unto the All-Knowing as the unknowing to position ourselves to recieve His understanding. Please, enjoy, but most of all, my hope's are that you and yours grow closer to the Almighty Everlasting Lover of our souls, in Jesus name, amen.

Chapter 1 The Beginning of Repentance

God knows that everybody's story starts somewhere in time, except for His story is quite the opposite, for God's story starts time.
"In the Beginning [of time] God created the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1, KJV [with clarification notes in parentheses]).
The words directly translated from Hebrew sounds like a 1800 Native American speaking broken English, as it would read: Beginning God created Heavens Earth; as the Hebrew translation is only five words.
One thing that we can take away from this is that God was before the beginning of time. As time is positioned in eternity, we can only grasp but a glimpse of the magnitude of the implications this part of reality brings.
For one, out of everything that God created, each has their relationship to Who God is, just as a artist displays a part of themselves with their expression of art (Howbeit, later we will see how God is not at all responsible for the bringing about of anything evil, or even the thought or will of it).
So, with time being His first creation, we must see that He is much greater in being of the concept of time, than time itself to be able to give time it's quality, which causes us to realize that He does not just live in eternity, He is eternity, Himself.
This brings us to the name understood as a personal name, "Yahweh" which in essence means, Self-Existent Eternal One. Which if we see the first two words of Genesis 1:1 (Beginning and God) as one section of the statement, we can see the name Yahweh being implied through a form of Hebrew poetry, later used greatly by the Psalmist, the Kings, the scribes, and the Prophets, known by a play on the meaning of words.

Another thing this teaches us is the core of how everything functions is set forth by God first creating the heavens or His domain, known unto our physical senses as the spiritual realm, and then the earth or known unto our physical senses as the physical realm. So, first everything must happen in the spiritual or the heavenlies and then become manifested in the physical realm or on earth..

This is a good thing to instill in our instincts, but before I can reveal how this is a very important concept for humanity to understand, I must explain how we are not just physical, nor just spiritual and physical, but how we are two part spiritual and one part physical; because, it is by this concept that the Doctrine of the Godhead will bring clarity and prescription unto all the promises He has for us to receieve.

So, now, let me skip ahead a little bit, unto verse 26; to where it explains the inside scoop of the Godhead's thoughts concerning how He made humanity and for what purpose.

The "God[head] said, let Us make [hu]man[ity] in Our own image, after Our likeness (Genesis 1:26, KJV [clarification notes in parentheses]).
Out of all creation that God created, one being held the position to have the ability to function just like Him. What this shows is that out of all creation of things that reflect Who He is, humanity most looks like Him and has the ability to function most like Him; showing how close of a relationship He wants with us.

If that was not enough to give explanation to what purpose we serve, in Genesis 2:18, the Godhead says a statement that reflects upon Himself, since the one that He is asking the statement about is perfectly created to fu cation just like Him. "It is not good that man should be alone" (KJV). or in what it reflects back to the Godhead, it is not good that the Godhead does not have many beings to love.

The very existence of the Godhead shows that He does not share in humanity's loneliness, but still we do share in His need to love, as the One called Love must surely need to love, as we humans were noted by this verse to have need of. Howbeit, male and female are created in His image to function just like Him, so we must dig deeper to find out how we are created.

When I was growing up in Sunday School at church, I remember how some tried to explain the Godhead unto us kids. Some said the Godhead being Three in One was like three circles inside of one. While others likened the Godhead being Three in One unto an egg, which has a hard shell, a yoke, and egg whites. I, also, remember praying in my confusion, telling the Lord that I still did not understand.

Then years later, I had rededicated my life and was praying and studying one afternoon in my bedroom, when I fell asleep. I felt totally conscience, but I was no longer in my bedroom, I was in a magnificent garden. All my thoughts went to admiring this beautiful garden I was in. Being one with an artist heart, my thoughts sped eagerly to want to see the Owner and Creator of this most beautiful place. As I looked around admiring all the beauty, I saw the feet of the Owner, and my heart knew right away with a leap into excitement to see the Creator of all this beauty.

Even though my heart was racing a mile a minute, my eyes slowly started looking up His whole stature, and as my eyes grasped closer and closer to see His face, my heart was more than ready to see the Everlasting Father's face. Howbeit, I was not expecting to see Who I saw, I saw Jesus. I was shocked, with all that was in me which gave explanation of anything I know, I was not expecting to see Jesus. But, it brought my heart to a peace that passed all understanding, for the One, that I knew that died for all the wrong done by humanity, was the One that Created the world.

I will add more later
© Brother Stephen Scottt