

Sushant's tragic demise
This post is neither to judge nor to defend anyone. I am writing this to raise some questions and share my views. On 14th June our beloved Sushant left us by committing suicide/murder (alleged).

I was shocked and till today I am not able to believe that he is no more. But more than his demise my heart is not ready to accept that he committed suicide. How come Mumbai police termed it suicide within seconds without conducting a proper investigation? Sushant’s death shaken the entire country and with people’s pressure and media coverage, we got CBI investigation for the case. I want to thank the media for  highlighting this case otherwise this case would have been dumped.

Till this, I think it was fair, and we did the right thing by demanding CBI for SSR. But after this blame game politics started. People and media started blaming the Nepotism of Bollywood as the reason behind SSR’s demise without any proof. Nepo kids faced a huge backlash. I think we don’t have the right to do this because we know Nepotism is deep-rooted in every sector. I don’t understand if we have so many problems with them, then why Alia Bhatt is having 49 M and Rajkumar Rao is having only 4.9 M followers on Instagram. It is we who had made Nepo Kids a star. As it is said ‘ Be the change you want to see’ so rather than abusing we should stop idolizing and following them.


After this Rhea Chakraborty is blamed and accused of controlling Sushant, with which I don’t agree.

I think Sushant was an independent, smart, and self-made man. I think he had great decision-making skills. He knew what he was doing, so I think blaming Rhea for this is not correct.


Let me clarify I am not defending Rhea, I too feel her role was suspicious and want to highlight 3 points.


1.Firstly, On one hand, she claimed that Sushant was depressed and on the other hand she was procuring drugs for him. I mean how we can digest this. I think if she had cared about him she would have restricted him to take drugs by any means (by friends, family’s help) in the worst case she would have taken the help of the rehabilitation center, but she did not.


2.Secondly Recently I saw videos of Sushant shot by Rhea in which SSR was seen not in his senses. I was shocked and one question lingered in my mind why Rhea made those videos when Sushant was in a vulnerable state. I don’t get because a person who claimed to love the other one will never do that. I think so.


3.Thirdly, In her interview, she straight away termed Sushant as an addict. But when the same question was asked about her, she said she will not answer. I think she should have kept mum for respecting her Late Lover rather than maligning his image. It was really sad to see Rhea blaming SSR.


I am not blaming or accusing her of SSR’S demise I am just raising some questions which lingered in my mind.

The way India demanded CBI for SSR was commendable.

I just want to make a point that we have the right to raise the genuine question, but vilifying, blaming, abusing someone without evidence is not correct. We should raise our voice for the right thing properly and we should have the patience to criticize someone till proven guilty.

I also want justice for our beloved Sushant.

May Truth Wins!

Note: This is my view I have not written this to hurt anyone's sentiments.

© Shwetasingh29