

dark (k)night
The car sped through the dark night, it's headlights flashing, warning any incoming vehicle . Mohneesh was in a hurry; he needed to be at the hospital before midnight. His wife is going to deliver their first child. Raindrops have started pouring even with the wipers on, he couldn't see properly. Suddenly he hit a horse. Horse! did he see it right?! It does not matter; he hit an animal with his car, and now animal rights activists are after him. He stopped the car and started searching for the.. horse!! There was nothing, but a trail of blood. It lead down to the jungle. He thought is it needed for me to go down there? If I see a wounded horse can I cary it to the vets? No!
Then what am i doing here, i should be with my wife. But then he remembered his wife was a animal rights activist, even if no one else his wife will definitely kill him. So, he went straight into the jungle.
Following the trail, he came across a waterfall with milky white water that would make even pearls shy. The shores greener than any artificial gardens these days, the water flowing so crystal clear - like glass. Mohneesh wanted to sit here and never go home. But, he couldnt he has to reach somewhere and also help a dying.. Horse?! So he went ahead and the jungle started becoming an forest, with every step it got thicker and darker. From a distance he could hear a animal crying in pain. He immediately stepped on that way. From a distance he saw a animal but it was small and preferably not a horse but a dog. He came further close, he thought the rain must have messed up his judgment of proportions, it was a small black dog. A complete black labradour. So black it's fir shining in the moonlight , and that too near the jungle. It was still raining and he grabbed the dog and started going back, a small animal like this can be aided and doesn't he also have a first aid kit in his car! So he carried the dog to the car and did the first aid, helped him drink some water as well. He restarted the car and started driving. The rain has stopped, and the dog is breathing more evenly; he may be able to pull away from danger. Now who will stop him fom the danger, that is his wife he was told to "reach-in-time". Oh, boy his in for a long scolding. After a distance he saw a man aking for lift, he looks like an police officer should he stop, it seems he must or get a legal charge. The day sure is adventurous. Mohneesh covered the dog with a blanket, better not get caught red handed. He stopped the car and the police officer got on. He was a handsome man with a very angry face. Well why not they go well together.. sometimes. Well definitely yes for this man. He was walking stiffly until he got inside, strange man. Mohneesh asked where he wants to go. He named a place near the hospital. Oh good he doesn't have to be t.. o.. o late. Suddenly a rancid smell of blood came to his nostrils. He dreaded, the dog has died.. now what. He better start talking, unless he wants to get figured out. Mohneesh started a conversation, and after a long stiff pause the officer joined as well. His name was Rajesh Roy,and he works for the police station near the town. He had to come here after a thief . After a while he asked Mohneesh to stop nearby, in an ally was his home. The officer came out of the car and started limping towards his home. Mohneesh insisted on helping him to his home. "It's okay no need to take trouble, I'll manage" said Rajesh. "no trouble, i will help", said Mohneesh. So Mohneesh went to his house with him, giving his shoulders for support. They reached his home. "come and sit for a while", said Rajesh. "No no, I can't I need to reach the hospital before midnight, my wife's in labour." "oh come on, a little while won't be any trouble, your late anyway". Mohneesh thought for a while, better not get in logger heads with a police officer. "very well I will come", said Mohneesh and entered the house. It was a luxurious house, Mohneesh thought either it was inherited or this guy has some serious curroption cases going on. "please have a seat I'll bring tea". Mohneesh sat and Rajesh went to get fresh. After a while he braught some tea and biscuits and started a conversation.
Rajesh, "I saw you were looking into my posessions. Did you think I was corrupt or something?!"
"Oh,no no my eyes were just roaming, I apologise for my behavior."said mohneesh scaredly.
Rajesh started laughing," don't be afraid I was only making fun of you. I'm a collector,I like when people stare. So did you like what you saw? "saying this he took out something from his pocket and kept it on the table facing himself.
If the devil laughed, he would surely look like this thought Mohneesh, but smiled instead.
Mohneesh," Can I use the bathroom? "
Rajesh," sure, sure second turn from left".
Mohneesh when entered the bathroom he had the same rancid smell of blood again, he thought maybe because he had touched the dog's blood it's coming out of him. He washed his hands thoroughly and returned. When he came back the object Rajesh placed on the table was facing him. It was a photo frame with litteraly diamonds studded around it, with a picture he had seen somewhere.
Rajesh was eyeing him like a hawk. Mohneesh was having an eary feeling," It's getting late, I must leave",said Mohneesh. Suddenly Rajesh was very close to him looking deep into his eyes. That scared Mohneesh. "Why do you want to leave after you came out of the bathroom?!" He was completely drunk now with red in his eyes.
"I need to reach my wife." simply said Mohneesh.
Rajesh looked a little more closely, and upon seeing something, as if satisfied said ok. "But I help you leave my friend as you helped me".
The words Rajesh used sounded little odd, he refused but the officer was adamant. So they came out of the house and started walking towards the car. Thoughts were churning in Mohneeshes head he had seen the picture somewhere, then his eyes fell on the car. Then he remembered the waterfall, it was the picture of the waterfall. Then he noticed Rajesh limping didn't he smell blood in the bathroom, it was Rajesh who went before him. Sirens started buzzing in his mind. He has to hurry and get out of this place. Mohneesh had just opened the door of his car but a revolver touched his temples.
"I know you have guessed something, I will just kill you and make you sit in your car and throw it under a hill. A complete case of accident."
Mohneesh was scared when he heard this, he couldn't do anything except listen. Suddenly a roar was heard from the back of his car,sharp teeth had grabbed Rajesh's hand. Mohneesh couldn't think much, as any how he went inside his car, kicked Rajesh and drove away from there. He could hear firing two times, but he kept speeding. He, has to reach the police station first, and thank god the dog with him is still alive he had saved Mohneeshes life today. "Good boy", said Mohneesh patting him on the head. It was morning when Rajesh got arrested. The officers told Mohneesh what Rajesh has done today. Rajesh had killed his parents and their dog. He was brought up in that exact jungle, because his parents had serious social anxiety issues. He grew up completely cut off from society. And when he came to the city for his career he started facing so many challenges. On top of that he grew a obsession to collect anything precious and got curropted. He when visiting his parents today had no intention of killing him. Their talks had become heated because of the frustrations Rajesh had, and in shear hotheadedness he had killed his parents. The dog was too loyal to his father, hence he killed it.. or rather tried to kill the dog.
Mohneesh was standing like a log,not knowing what to feel. Whether to feel for Rajesh, the dog or the parents he could not fix. What a horrible fate. He decided to reach his wife instead. He went to the car and went inside. Jackie, the black dog was still resting. He has to find a family for the poor chap. Mohneesh was struck with an idea, maybe he can prevent being scolded by his wife after all. He was bringing a dark knight for his new born. Thinking this Mohneesh started the car and drove away to his future.
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