

cyder nation
chapter 1


We all waved goodbye as we saw our friends go to hell in form of a school.Mike longstaff sixteen yr old boy not just boy but my best friend.He said it was a school or was it.My name johnathen wilk and this is the story of The Cyber Nation.

It all started when a scholar school visited our village of Mashona land,they were looking for the brightest minds in the village.They were offered a place in one of the best school in Russia.I was never bright in school so I did not really bother myself i was more of a tech guy,my older brothers in the city always used to send me gudgets to use.But Mike it was a dream and a big big chance for him to shine "tell me you are taking the test" I would be supraised if he was not taking the test "am not taking the test i know what am losing but if i go what will happen to my mother"I could not let him lose this chance of a life time.

The day of the test arrives,The Russian in they nice fancy formal wear waiting for people to sign up and my mission was to make sure Mike writes the test I was just waiting for people to sign up.The whole day ended no one came to sign up,it was so weird i decided to go home and rest when i got home I told my mother what happened "People not willing to let they children go as far as Russia" That as a little weird who ould want to stay in Mashona land then Russia.The Russians stood there for some weeks hoping that people would come and eventally they left.