

The Train
It was a bright, hot Monday. The city hustled under the sunlit sky. I was lost in thoughts, riding a motorbike with my father on our way back from the examination centre.
The bike raced down the road. The winds blew my hair wildly. The vehicles around me looked like a blur.
I liked it.
I love speed. I love bikes.
Few minutes later, I sensed the bike come to a stop. The road ahead was blocked and the empty railway tracks in front of us gazed patiently at the sky.
I looked around.
Cars and bikes slowly came to a halt, their riders looking grumpy and grouchy due to the heat.
The rush grew.
I listened carefully.

chuk, chuk, chuk...

There it came!
The green train, shifing along its tracks with not much speed. I could see the passengers peeking from its windows. Some waving, others staring.
We were their view.
They were our view.
Birds chirped. Leaves swang from their trees.
Life everywhere.
Livings beings: each with their own stories, own blessings, own problems, own talents, own weaknesses.
Everybody experiencing different thoughts, different emotions, different imaginations.
How does God manage them all!
I heard a collective sigh, one of them being my own. The train went on along its tracks, leaving our way clear. The road blockers were removed. Bikes and cars shuffled and headed towards their destinations.
Life continued.


#story #scene #life #journey #train

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