

Our Earth I Love So Ardently
I love the Earth so ardently, for it has seen so much. So many have trodden on its roads, its dusty payhways, misty mountains and deep valleys. It has seen so many; lovers, enemies, cats, kittens, dogs, puppies, rabbit, babies, children, fathers, mothers and what not, you just name it.
They came and went away, years gone and new centuries came. From hunting to survive, to starting an empire, exploring, getting conquered, dividing, ruling, killing, travelling, suppressing, rebelling, liberating, the earth has seen it all that now I feel like it is a mother for all of us.

Beautiful and lonely, beguiling yet cursed, charming, everlasting, glowing, it is all of it. How long can we pretend that the fruits that its trees bear are not of the land below our feetfeet? How long can we pretend that the flowers we put on the graves, the flowers we treat as ornaments, the flowers we decorate into wreaths, chains and such, the flowers our tiny fingers picked up when we were little do not belong to the Earth? The mountains, where lovers find refuge, lost souls find solace, the ventureres find heaven are not of the gift of God that we all live on?

For how long will we deny its love? Will it be unrequited? Why do we put up a pretence that it is a part of us while we wholly ourselves in its embrace each day, when it kisses our with the gentleness of its winds, when it sings to us when its birds do, when it bids us goodnight when the crickets do., when it offers a shoulder of comfort with its rains, expresses its joy with the spring, its sorrow with the winter?

When the little rabbits join their mother, the kittens snuggle beside their mother, the puppies when they huddle against their mother's chest; can we not bear in our minds then? That the earth is like our mother, it is our future and can forsee it well. Can we not embrace it like its crittets do from time to time?
© byhistoryfreak