

Chapter Twenty-Five

Nathan's P.O.V

Candy kept her mouth shut and didn't tell anyone about me. Soon later they all went to a club and I followed of course. I watched my girlfriend drink ans dance with random strangers and when they got two close to her I would threaten them showing my eyes and fangs or she'd tell them 'no'. At least she's happy. Some random girl caught my attention and decided to come and flirt with me so I could dance with her. I just leaned on a wall and ignored her, I kept on watching my girlfriend.

"Hey! What are you looking at?"The random girl asked me.
"oh, your still here."I said surprised.
"Yeah, so what are you looking at?"She asked.
"The love of my life."I said.
"Last time I saw the love of my life she was cheating."She said.
"So if your gay then, why are you trying to get me to dance with you?"I asked.
"Well because your cute and I'm bi"She said.

I put on my hoodie.

"Who are you hiding from?"She asked.

I grabbed her and took her to a strip club and went away.When I got back I didn't see Lana. Where is she now.I listen carefully for her voice..

"Where are you taking me?"She asked.
"Some Where."A voice said.

The voice belonged to a guy. I heard a car door slam and drive off.


I quickly ran after it, I've been chasing cars the whole day. But it's a good thing I'm faster.I went on top of the car.

"What the heck was that!"The voice said.
"Wait! You need to stop right now!"Lana said.
"Or?"The voice said.

Or I'll kill you.

Moved over closer to where I knew the drivers seat would be, Lana was in the backseat. I could hear her heart beating really fast so it's pretty obvious that she was scared. I looked down through the window. The guy took one look at me screamed and almost crashed. I looked back so I could stay in balance.

"Did you see that!?"He asked.
"I defiantly heard it."She said annoyed.
"There was a freaking teenager!"The guy said.
"Look, I've been kidnapped before and......my boyfriend saved me...... Who is still not awake....oh No...HELP!!!"She yelled.
"Shut up!"The guy said.
"I'm pretty sure that Candy has realized that I'm gone by now."She said.
"I don't know who this candy girl is, but you just sit back and relax babaygirl, I'll find us a bed soon."The guy said.

Did you just call her baby girl? I eyes went red I got really angry.I ripped of the drivers seat door and pulled him out throwing him on the road. Lana screamed. I ripped of the door that was beside her and pulled her out jumping of the car.The car drove away it wasn't before long till it crashed in a tree.I could feel her trembling in my arms I put her down. She was panicking.
She looked up at me and took a step back.

"You?"She said.

I looked at her not saying nothing.

"Are you ok?"I asked changing my voice.
"Who are you?Why did you save me?Why did you kiss me? Where you following me? Are you stocker? Oh, my god! Are you Alex!"
"No!"I said in my normal voice."Why the he'll would you think-"

I stopped talking now that I've realized that she's found out.

"I know, he's dead. But are you a hunter?"She asked.

I guess she didn't notice.

"Wait you can't be a hunter, And be able to move that fast and be so strong. So Are you a Vampire too?"She asked.

I sigthed.I shaked my head yes.

"Ok, Are you One of Nathan's siblings or cousins?"She asked.

I shaked my head no.

"Can you tell me why you kissed me?"She asked.
"Because I can."I said changing my voice again.
"And why did you save me?"
"I'm always doing that!"
"That's a lie."She said.
"How could you be so sure?"
"Where you following me?"
"Do you like me?"
"No, I love you."
"Um..I have a boyfriend who I made a promise to and I can not be with you. I don't care if you have feelings for me or whatever. That's your problem. My boyfriend has lots of cheating girlfriends in his past and I'm not going to be one of them."She said.

I smiled.

"Good girl."I said.

She gave me a weird look.

"So can I see your face now?"She asked reaching for my hoodie.

I quickly grabbed her arm.

"I guess not."She said.

She moved her arm away.

"Can you please take me home, or just bring me back to the party?"She asked.

I turned around.

"Hop on"I said.

She jumped in my back and I took her legs and she squeezed my neck.

"Ow!"I said.
"Don't touch me!"She said.
"Do you want to fall?"I asked.
"oh."She said.

I could feel her reaching for my hoodie again.

"Don't even think about it."I said.

She scoffed.

I ran off and took her home. My hoodie blew off my head but she didn't notice so when we arrived I quickly put it back on.

"Thank you for saving me again and brining me home."She said.
"Your welcome."I said.
"Yeah..so......bye."She Said.
"Ok"I said.

I kissed her again and she stompped me on my foot.

"You do know that I didn't feel that right?"I whispered in her ear.

I leaned her against the door.

"You can keep trying to push me away, but I wouldn't notice it."I said.

I thought she'd be scared but she wasn't. That's weird. But I noticed that she was reaching in her purse for something. I'm guessing it's the pepper spray I gave her. I took her arm.

"Lana, there's no need to do that."I said.
"How do you know my name?"She asked.
"Because I know you."I said.

I reached for the door knob and opened the door. Surprised it was open.I gently pished her inside closing the door behind us. She ran away from me. She went up to guests room and closed the door.

She dose know that I'm a Vampire right?I went up there and opened the door taking of the door knob so I could enter.

She gave me a puzzled look. Then she took my arm and moved over closer to the door making me go in the opposite direction then she moved closer to me about to kiss me then ran out the door.

I didn't know she could do that.I walked out the door she just ran out the front door. I walked outside and I watched her run in a few seconds I was in front of her and she bumped into me.

She tried to punch me in the face with her right arm and I held it then she did the same with her left and I held it then she kicked me in th stomach. I let her go and she turned and ran off again.

Did my girlfriend just fight back?

She ran off in the backyard of Candy's house I followed her. When I got inside she was holding a stick that was half her height.

"What are you going to do with that?"I asked.
"A wooded stake kills a Vampire and well this can be the same."She said.
"So you are going to stabb me with it?"I asked.
"Yes!"she said.
"Except that if you did that you'd wonder if you are a killer then decided to break up with me I mean Nathan because you'd then think that he's not safe with you."I said.

She dropped the stick.

"Your right."She said.
"Alright since I have nothing better to do."

I was going to take off my hoodie but she pepper sprayed me.

"Ow!"I said.

And she ran off again.This is going to be a long night.It was a few seconds till I didn't feel the spray anymore and chased after again.

Wonder what else she's planning on doing.She was back inside the house. She was hiding in the bathroom she covered up her nose so I wouldn't head her breathing but I can hear her heartbeat. I decided to let her think that I've left. So I went outside the house so she could stop panicking. It took about five hours before she went to bed the time is now 2:00.I had to wait till she was deep in her sleep before I went inside her room. I sat down beside her and looked at her she was so cute when she sleeped. And really peaceful. I laid beside her but I didn't touch her. I just watched her. She was just wearing a T-shirt and underwear. Wait a minute....IS THAT MY T-SHIRT!!!

"Lana!"I yelled.
"What?"She groaned.


"Sorry, go back to sleep."I said.

Maybe she's missed me so much she stole it, I don't mind anyway. If I was in her position I would have probably done the same thing. But I wouldn't where it.

Wait, she's sleeping with her gloves on. Normally she wouldn't do that. I carefully took them off.She has so many of them in different colours too. I heard a Car park outside. I guess that Candy and Mark finally came home.

"Maybe she's here!"Candy said.

She came inside with Mark.

"Please be quiet."I said I wasn't using my real voice.
"I mean, please be quiet."I said in my normal Voice.
"YOUR'RE AWAKE!!!"Mark yelled.
"I told you to be quiet!"
"What?"Lana asked.
"Nothing, go back to sleep."I said softly.
"Sorry."Mark said.
"I told you to be quiet."
"I just couldn't believe it."He said.
"I know."I said.
"When did you wake up?"he asked.
"Yesterday."I said.
"Dose mom know?"He asked.
"How about you ask me those questions tomorrow."I said.
"Ok."He said.
"And please do not yell again out of that big mouth of yours."I said.
"Not funny, Wait did you know?"He asked Candy.
"Yeah."She said.
"You told me that there wouldn't be secrets between us."He said.
"You've found out now, end of discussion."She said.

They both walked out.I went under the covers and rapped my arm around her waist and closed by eyes trying to sleep.

Marks P.O.V

"So how long have you know?"I asked.
"Seariously? I found out before we went to the club."She said
"So you be kept it for that long?"I asked.
"There is a lot of things I keep from you."She said.
"What!"I asked.
"Yeah, a lot."She said.
"Name one."I said.
"I'm pregnant."She said.
"What!?"I yelled
"Be Quiet!"Nathan said.
"We've only done it like....Two or three times."I said.
"Mark, I'm kidding."She said.
"Hey! Don't do that. But if you where pregnant I wouldn't mind."
"Why?"She asked.
"I'd be a really hot dad."I said.
"of course you'll be."She said.
"How about I get you pregnant right now."I said.
"No offense, but I'm not sure I'm ready for that yet."She said.
"Its your decision."I said.

The Next Morning.

Lana's P.O.V

I woke up early in the morning. And Yarned I realized that someone's arm was around me. I quickly turned around. It was that same guy in the hoodie. Again! But I could see half his face. I moved my arm to take it off but he took my arm. Then he let get and place my hand on his face.I took off the hoodie and froze. I stared into his eyes and he stares inside mine. We went talking but just looking in his eyes it felt like it was a whole conversation.

I smiled and hugged him. I felt his chest there wasn't a stabb whole and......There was another heartbeat. But it was just one.

"So it was you all along?"I asked.
"Yeah, it was me."He said.
"I missed you."I said.
"I did tell you that I'd always be there with you."He said.
"I said some really mean things to you, I'm sorry."I said.
"You didn't know it was me an sit was pretty funny."He said.
"And I pepper sprayed you."I said.
"You where just running up and down around the house, I'm actually surprised that you fought back, but when you went inside the bathroom and cover up you nose I could still hear your heartbeat. You where really scared so it was beating fast."He said.
"oh."I said.
"But it is pretty good the way you defended yourself and kept telling me no. And also what you said to me last night when I pulled you out the car."He said.

I giggled.

"That made me feel really happy."He said.
"Aww."I said.
"And well I've thought about some thing."He said.
"What did you think about?"I asked.
"Its a surprise."He said with a smile.
"ok"I said.