

Love Infinite (13)
Episode 13 :- Hearts Locked❤️🔒

Previously Shanaya and Abhimanyu make GM get arrested and then he takes her to the hospital to treat her injuries caused because of Priyanka.

She opens her eyes and gets scared seeing him close but then he says that it's me...relax she calms down. She hasn't realised yet that she is holding his hand. He asks her that do you trust me that much that you calmed when you came to know that it's me. She replied of course! I don't trust people easily, it takes time for me to do that but I don't know why she I see you I feel like I can trust you, my gut feeling says it and I never ignore it. So yes....I trust you very much. He feels delighted hearing that she trusts him and thanks her for that. She asks him to trust her as well. He says I always do. I also take time to confide and trust someone but the moment I saw you for the first time I felt that I can trust you and I trusted you, you never broke it as well. He then asks her to get treated. They get out of the car, over time Shanaya's wound had started to hurt badly that she couldn't stand or walk. But she pretended to be fine.
Abhimanyu :- Can you walk?
Shanaya :- Yeah... I can ow.!! (in pain)
Abhimanyu :- Are you sure?? C'mon you don't need to feel awkward....we know each other for some weeks now.....I thought you trusted me like I do....
Shanaya :- I do trust you....I just didn't want to cause you inconvenience. You already have spared time from you schedule and brought me here. God knows from how long you have been waiting while I was sleeping so I thought not to trouble you more.
They were still holding hands but now Abhimanyu left her hand. He wants to help her but he feels that she's not comfortable in asking for it from him so he takes his hand away and asks her to come then and walks ahead. Shanaya tries to walk but couldn't in pain, she exhaled in pain. Abhimanyu couldn't tolerate hearing her painful exhale. He was about to turn back to help her even if she doesn't ask but Shanaya called him before that. He ran to her and lifted her in his arms. They smile looking at each other.
Shanaya :- Thank you for everything. I really trust you it wasn't about trust but....(he interuppts)
Abhimanyu :- It's good to hear that you trust me. Let's take this trust relation to another level...
Shanaya :- What?? (shocked)
Abhimanyu :- I mean let's be friends and promise that we will never hide anything from each other, will believe each other and will not hesitate to say anything to each other. Yeah??
Shanaya :- I see.....ok we'll be honest to each other.
They smile looking at each other, Dr. Singh is surprised to see them like this. He immediately sees them and was about to call Shanaya's father that she is in Abhimanyu's arms but Shanaya grabbed phone from his hand. Shanaya's father has been insisting her to get married but she is not into things like love and marriage. She hated love and doesn't believe in it. If Dr. Singh would have told this to her father, then he would assume them to be in a relationship. He likes Abhimanyu very much for his good business sense and takes him as his friend. So he would be very happy if they were into each other but here the case is different. They both have something special for each other but have no recognition about it. She gets treated, she was bravely facing the treatment, the ointment gives a burning sensation but she tolerated it boldly as she is someone who is used to it. There rarely is a day when she doesn't have to use the first aid but from past few weeks while she is working as a secretary, there had been less injuries. She had faced gun shots as well never got shot as she dodged or was protected by guards. Abhimanyu felt the pain that Shanaya had as he was able to feel that how it would be burning. He held onto her hand in fear. She was surprised. She said it's fine and that she's fine but he said no I know it's paining I can feel it.
Shanaya :- My injuries but pain is yours......
Abhimanyu :- Umm...I promised so no lie.....yes I can feel the pain. I don't why but I feel something unique when you are near me. (held her hand on his heart) My heart races when we are close, it thumps when you look into my eyes. This is something unique that I have never felt for anyone before. I have met many girls but never felt like this with them. I tried to avoid this and tried to know why does it happen, I diagnosed myself to find if I have any disease but I didn't get answer to this feeling. It's not like I have some problem, I feel happy about it, I like it. But I also want to know why it happens.
Shanaya felt speechless, because all the while she thought it's only her who feels like this but was indeed happy that he feels the same. She got up excitedly without realizing that she has a wound but Abhimanyu held her tight and reminded her of her wound then she calmed down.
Shanaya :- Can I tell you something?
Abhimanyu :- Yeah sure.... anything.
Shanaya :- Actually I have been feeling the same but even I couldn't find any reason. I wanted to ask you but I thought it would be embarrassing but now since we are friends now there is nothing like that.
Abhimanyu :- Woah!! Anyways since both of us like this feeling let it be, it's no harm. Let's not find the reason and just enjoy it when we feel.
Shanaya :- Agreed.
He hugged her as a start to their friendship but asked her before hugging like a gentleman that if he can and she raised her arms. They embraced each other. They remained the same for a long time. They felt this hug familiar but they couldn't realise who it was. They didn't want to let go of each other. As both of them felt this warmth from a hug after a very long time. They had their grip strong on each other, both of them felt relaxed.
Abhimanyu :- I will always stay by your side..... Will you??
Shanaya :- I never want to leave your side. Please stay with me. I never got this care from anyone.
Abhimanyu :- Me too..... I will be with you. You be with me too.
They continued to embrace and smiled coz they could feel each other's hearts racing.

#hugs #Love&love #Embrace #togertherness #Together #bewithyou
© Bhoomish