

Peter, a sour little boy, sits alone every recess to draw and write in a little notebook. He was adopted into a loving family, his new parents loved eachother and him. As time progressed, they decided to adopt agein. They adopted a boy with dark chocolate skin and short, curly, hair, Jay. Unlike Peter, he was rowdy and liked meeting people.
One day, during recess, Jay would approach Peter who sat writing in his new notebook, "Hello, Peter! Why do you sit here all alone?" Peter looked up from his writing, irritated by his interruption, "I like to spend this time alone, so it would be nice if you would go play with the other kids." his tone was rude and rough, fitting his appearance with curly ginger hair and freckles covering his face. Jay didn't seem to notice, or care, for the boy's harsh tone. Instead, he sat down next to him, watching his writing.
For months Jaw would sit in silence, watching Peter's pencil glide across the pages were he wrote of fantasies, un discovered world's. Peter, though still bitter, had grown fond of Jay's company. But this day would be different.
Peter sat, in his spot, writing. He anticipated Jay's appearance, almost starting to enjoy his questions about the world's he wrote about. But he never came. Peter than looked around for him, though the crowds of squeeling kids, he spotted him. Jay played ball happily with the other kids. An annoyance tugged at Peter, yet he scowled himself for feeling jealousy for something so small.
But as months progressed, Peter sat alone everyday, missing Jay's company. A deep annoyance, jealousy even, made his heart sink a little more every day. He grew more bitter and would yell or scowl Jay at home whenever they spoke.

Write a short story with the word "Jealousy" as the main theme.