

A Master's Decision.
INTRO: mentioned in my last quote.
Don't be involved in bad gathering it effects you my dear,"A Master told to his student.

Master I just sit with them but I don't talk anything,"student replied to the Master.

My dear, sitting with them is also dangerous for yourself because we are product of our Environment,"Master replied."

Sir how it can effect?if we don't talk them,"studend asked to the Master."

let's go with me.i know where is the answer of your question,"Master ordered him thinking for a while".

they went out and reached to a perfume shop.Master told to sit with him in the shop.they sat there for fifteen minutes.

How pretty is this smell ! my heart doesn't want to go from there, student told the Master .

No! my dear,we are to go another shop.they walked to another shop.this was a coal shop.they sat also there for the next fifteen minutes.

Master! it is very smoky and blacked.it has made my suit dusty.my heart doesn't want to sit there for a second,the Student replied to Master.

let's go we are to go now,Master ordered to the student.

Master....why we went to the shops?, student asked him being surprised.

Master replied him,Ooh my innocent student,"your question's answer is hidden in the shops .
when we went to the perfume shop ,we didn't buy anything but we felt the pretty smells of perfumes and samewise when we went to the coal shop, we didn't buy anything there but we got the black smoke from the shop so,
dear! your gathering is same to both although,you don't talk them but their bad habits will effect you ,indirectly....
comment me what you think...
my philosophy,
Hamza Ali.

© my philosophy.