

So much more was said in the unsaid.

- Bridgett Devour

"So ....
That means you are a virgin?"

This time he literally choked on the water he was sipping.
I didn't think anyone could ever choke while sipping too. But hey, that's not my problem.

Unfortunately I never got the answer to that question. He got an important business call afterwards and offered to drop me off but I refused saying I need to do the grocery. Which was true, I really needed to. This week was my turn.
I'll need to call Kat to confirm what all I had to buy. I was never good at doing house chores, especially grocery. I would always forget one or the other thing on the list.

I walked towards the main store. It was a bit far away.

As I walking, someone bumped into me.
And yes, this time I'm sure I didn't bump into him.

"Hey, look where you're going, okay?" I said after him.

He turned back. The first thing I noticed about him was his smile. It looked kinda is familiar. I didn't put much thought on it.

"I was looking where I was going miss.
Seems like you weren't." He said back.

How can he? He clearly wasn't looking when he bumped into me. And now, telling me how I was the one not looking where I was going.

"Listen Mister, you don't put this on me okay. Clearly you are in the wrong." I retorted.

He just smiled at me and whispered something along the lines, "still the same." Shaking his head , moved ahead but not before waving at me with.... a smile.
Something about that wave and smile seemed familiar. Like I have seen it somewhere but can't remember where.

After doing the grocery shopping, I was walking back home when suddenly an expensive looking car came to a stop near me.
I almost fell because of how sudden stop it took.
I was about to give a piece of mind to whoever stepped out if the car but.... turned out it was Maria.

"Hello, dear. I was going to your house only. I called you a few times but you didn't pick up my phone so I thought to visit you myself only." She explained.

She called me? Oh wait....
I didn't turn off my phone from silent this morning.

"I'm really sorry Maria. My phone was on silent. But why did you want to meet me ?" I asked her.
I was confused why would she wan to meet me . Because as far as I remember, ring shopping was on Sunday.

"Did you forget? I told you I wanted to meet you last time when I called you."

Wait.. when did...
Ohh, now I remember. I was going to meet her when I got the call from hospital. Which reminds me,
"Maria, once again, thank you so much for what you did. I don't know what I would have done without you.
Thank you, thank you so much."

"You don't need to thank me Scar. You are doing such a big thing for me by marrying Xander. It's the least I could do." She said putting a hand on my shoulder.

Ahh, yes, marrying, right?
Ohh god!
How am I supposed to tell her I'm not ready to marry her son.
I decided to change the topic.

"So, why did you want to meet me?
Is there a problem? Did Xander refused to marry me?" I asked in hopes of getting a positive answer.
May God bless that Xander if he refused to marry me. I'm sure after my today's questions, he definitely wouldn't want me as his life partner.

She laughed at my question.
"What? Why would you think so?
You are such a sweet little thing. Why would anyone ever refuse you , darling.
I have something good to share with you that's why I wanted to meet you. But now, I met you here, let's go to your house together."

"Oh great! You finally found a boyfriend for yourself. I'm proud of you Maria.
Why didn't you tell me sooner? I need to meet him to approve him." I teased her while patting on her shoulder and nodding my head.

Keep your mouth shut. My non existent boyfriend wouldn't like you talking so loudly." She played along.

We laughed together.

She kept looking at me with a smile on her face.

"What? " I asked with a small smile.

She shook her head. "It's nothing."
That smile was still there on her face.

"Tell me" I urged.

"It's nothing. It's just.... I a really happy you are going to be a family. I'm just so so happy right now. Thank you very much Scarlett." She took my both hands in hers.

She was looking at me with such a sincere expression on her face and that kind smile and those.... wait... were those tears? Is she crying? But why?
Oh god... Has she come to know that I don't want to marry?

Please don't cry...
I mentally pleaded.

"You really don't have to thank me Maria.
But why are you crying? Did I do something wrong?" I asked worriedly.

She again shook her head while wiping away her tears.
"No, no. You didn't do anything wrong.
These are tears of happiness, my child.
I'm just so immensely happy right now." She answered smilingly.

I was feeling a lot if emotions on the inside.
I was conflicted, sad and happy at the same time.
Happy to see I could make her happy.
Sad and upset because I don't know how to tell her I don't want to marry her son.

I just smiled a d turned my head towards window. I tried to not think about anything at the moment.

We reached my apartment in a few minutes.

The girls were already inside. This time Talia was there too.

We all sat in the living room.

"Soo girls, especially Scarlett, I have a good news for you." Maria announced.

She took a deep breath, "I bought the orphanage land." She completed.

Oh my god! Did she really?

I was looking at her without saying anything. My eyes clearly conveyed how happy I was hearing this.
Now, I won't ever have to worry about finding any other place for those children.
But.....if I tell her my decision of not marrying Xander, will she ....?

No,no Scar.
No bad thoughts. Maria is a kind woman and she won't ever do something like that.

Yes, exactly!
Maria won't do that.

I immediately hugged Maria.
"Did you really buy that land? That means they won't have to move anywhere else, right? There won't be any problem. Tell me, did you really do that ?
You are not joking, right?" I asked in one breath.

She just smiled at me.
She cupped my face in her both hands.
"Yes, my dear. I really did that. And no, I'm not joking. I'm as serious as I'll ever be. There's nothing to worry about now.
Give that little head of your a bit rest."

I was relieved after hearing this.
But I don't know.....
Why can't I just marry Xander.
My heart and mind were both conflicted.
Heart was saying go for it.
Mind was saying think logically.

We sat for some more time talking about common things.
It was when Xander's name was taken, Talia looked slightly.... scared?
Why would she be?
I'll ask her about this later.

After some time, Maria went home but not without reminding me about ring shopping.

I closed the door behind me.
Leaning against the door, I took a deep breath. When I opened my eyes, Talia was right in front of me looking straight into my eyes.

"Listen, I don't know why you want to marry him but he's really not a good person. I've heard stories of him. He's a really ruthless man, he doesn't care about anyone. I can't tell you not to marry him but just be careful. " She said this all looking really frightened for some reason.

I was confused by her behaviour. She was the never the one to be afraid of anything or anyone.
What would have had happened to make her like this?

"Talia, Calm down. What happened?
Tell me. What stories you heard of him?"
I asked.

"No, Scarlett. You don't understand.
Just be careful."
Saying this she turned around.
After a few minutes, she left too.

I walked into my room.
Kat and Mia were already there waiting for me.

"Sooo" Kat started.

"Don't. I didn't get time to talk to her." I said.

"But you went to see Xander. How come you came home with Maria?" Kat asked.

"Long story short. Xander got a call in between so he went away. I bumped into Maria halfway to here. She offered to drop as she herself was coming here only. And the rest you know." I sighed.

"You don't want to marry." Mia stated.
Kat nodded.

"I don't know, guys. She so happy with my decision. I couldn't just bring myself to hurt her. Her face has a certain glow to it since she learned I said yes.
I cannot.... I don't know what to do."

"I guess you know what to do." Mia said.


"Your parents."

"What my parents?"

"You tell Maria that your parents won't ever agree to this marriage." She completed.

"Uh.. why ?" I asked.

She made a face as if I asked the silliest question in the history of silly question.

"Because Xander isn't an Indian Dumbo!"

Oh, yeah. Exactly!

"Yes, I can tell Maria that. And I'm not even lying. It is true." I grinned.

"So , ready to tell her tomorrow?"

© Asterin

Hope you guys like it!
Follow to know what happens next!!
Thank you for reading.
Take care!