

One Dazzled Moment
Jane starred blankly at the window thinking about on how will she come to school without being bothered by her obnoxious boyfriend. She wanted to break their relationship but no cause. She has to find a very reliable reason on how to. Succumb b her imagination, her phone rang.

She picked it up and say "Hello?"

But no one answered, she repeated saying hello but she heard the person's breathing on the line so she turned the call off thinking it was a prank. Out of boredom, she went out to watch movies.

As time pass by, her phone rang again for the second time.

She answered by frustration “Who the hell is this?!" but no one answered.

She got nervous on that though and turned the call off. Until some time someone texted her saying “I know your plan and you can't get away from me."

Her eyes gone blood shot and she threw ths phone on the wall and it broke. She cried hard asking herself "How can I escape?"

As midnight comes and the streetlights were dim as the mist surrounds the night. She peeped out of her window into the pitch darkness.

"Was someone out there or was just an imagination?" She asked herself.

She took a deep breath and closed the windows to sleep. Until sometime someone was knocking at the door. She anxiously got up from the bed to check who's on the person. When she opened it, she was welcomed by the cold breeze.
© FloreSabs28