

Wolf Moon
by, Sean Bingham

Wolf Moon

Chapter 1: The wolf

The year was some time in the eight century A.D. The white snow-covered forests in Scandinavia were filled with silence as the giant snow flakes fell from the sky attempting to burry the trees in a blanket of snow. Red frozen droplets of blood made a trail in the snow leading to a bloody deer leg. I big white wolf lurks in the distance smelling the air. He smelt the blood in the air and with the winter being so harsh such feasts were few and far in between. The wolf’s deep eyes were focused on the bloody leg. The wolf smelt the air to check if it was clear but all he could smell was the fresh blood. The wolf knew that something was off but was overcome by hunger. The wolf went after the leg and it sank its teeth into the bloody meat. The wolf was caught off guard as a spear was thrown into its side. The wolf led out a high pitch cry. The spear hit the wolf’s heart killing it in a matter of seconds. A large tattooed man with scars on his face and a large axe appeared in the trees. He knelt by the wolf to make sure that it was not suffering. He noticed that this wolf was well fed for the time year but thought nothing of it. He stroked its head and said a prayer for wolf thanking it for its sacrifice. The man pulled the spear out of the wolf and carried it on his shoulders. The large man was a Viking berserker who wore only the pelts of a wolf into battle. After his previous battle he was hit in the face with sword leaving a horrible gash in his face that now left an intimidating scar across his face. The wolf pelt that he was accustomed to wearing was destroyed in battle and taken off of what his enemies assumed was his dead corpse. For whatever reason the Valkyries refused to take him Valhalla. He should be dinning with his fallen brothers in the great hall of the Gods but instead he healed and now has to find another pelt. He didn’t like killing the wolves for their pelts. A berserker rarely needs to kill more than one wolf. For with the pelt comes the spirit of that animal. They wear the pelts to conjure and embody the fierce spirit of that animal. This berserker believed that a wolf can only be hunted after the first full moon of Yule and before the next full moon called the wolf moon. Only then can the spirit of the wolf be claimed. He lost his pelt just after the spring solstice. Long has he waited to regain his strength for the chance to claim the spirit that will fuel him in his battles to come. When a berserker dies in battle, not only does he carry his own soul to Valhalla but also the spirit of the wolf. To lose his pelt was tragic and to be stripped of it was a dishonor for the spirit of the wolf was now lost to Niflheim. It was a great tragedy that he lived and that the wolfs spirit is now lost. The wolf that laid dead before him was a beautiful white wolf with a grey patch running down its back to the tip of its tail. He needed to enter Valhalla with the spirit of this wolf or he would be lost to the land of mist and fog never to dine and fight in the hall of the Gods.
Deep in the snow-covered woods a wild woman with a painted face prepares a stew in a small humble hut made of sticks, grass, and furs. There were strings of bones hanging from the ceiling and a big reindeer skull hanging above the entrance. She was a beautiful maiden with silver hair the color of the moon and big light brownish almost maroon colored eyes. The sun had just set and she realized that it was beginning to get dark outside. With a worried look on her face she peered through the trees. When she didn’t see or hear anything she began to howl like a wolf. She looked around walking a mile in each direction howling till her throat ached. The silver full moon began to rise reflecting off the snow and lighting the night with the wolf moon. She finally came upon some large wolf tracks. Upon her discovery of the tracks she quickened her step. She fallowed the tracks and what she was about find would haunt her forever. She came upon the bloody snow where the large tattooed man had slain the white wolf. The wild woman with the silver hair began to cry and became angry. She began to scream into the wind yelling as loud as she could, “Who ever did this to you my sweet little boy they will pay severely and may the Gods curse they who took you away from me!” As she yelled into the night sky the trees around her began to splinter and explode. The snow melted away leaving a dead spot in the earth where Solvang took his last breath forever cursed never to grow back.

Chapter 2: The enchantress and the wolf

Ylva was nine months pregnant with her first child preparing the porridge for the birth; she could tell that the baby was going to be born. Her husband Ludvig had just returned with fish from the fjord. They lived in a small community where everyone knew each other and were happy. Ludwig had just entered their home with the fish filets that he had just prepared on the table that sat in the center of the room. Ylva had silver hair and light brown eyes that were almost maroon. She was a shield madden who gave up her shield so that she could raise a family. She loved Ludwig for who he was and what he offered her. Ludwig was not a warrior as she was. He was skilled with a sword as are all Viking men, but Ludwig was different. He didn’t like going on raids he preferred stay and farm the land. Ylva had gone on many raids and always returned with spoils. Ylva often thought that she was just settling to be with Ludwig, but she was happy, so what did it matter. Ludwig stopped and stared at his pregnant wife ready to give birth at any moment. She was beautiful, she could have been with any man she wanted, but she chose to be his wife. Ylva caught Ludwig staring at her, they exchanged smiles but their smiles quickly faded by the screams of people running in terror. Ludwig looked out the window of their home. Warriors on horse back were burning and slaughtering their village. Ludwig looked at Ylva as Ylva grabbed her sword and shield that have long since rested in the corner of their humble home. Ludwig grabbed his axe and sword and the two quickly exited out the back of their home. The two made a run for the woods. Ylva being so pregnant she wasn’t able to move very quickly. They had been spotted by three of the men that were raiding their village. Ylva being the warrior stood her ground. One man attacked her while the other two attacked Ludwig. As soon as Ylva raised her shield to defend her self her water broke. The surprised look on her face distracted her opponent who was now staring at the fluid that leaked out of her dress. She used the distraction to slay her foe. Ludwig was no match for the two warriors he wounded one but was slain by the other as he was run through. Ylva feeling herself going into labor now had two fight off two warriors by herself. Even in labor they were no match for her. She was far more skilled and made quick work of the first one. She fought off the second but then had a sharp contraction which led her open for attack and he stabbed her in her pregnant belly. Stumbling to the ground she saw Ludwig’s axe lying right by her. She quickly picked up the axe hitting her attacker in the face and killing him. Ylva now in pain ran into the woods using her sword as a cane until she could no longer walk from the contractions. She gave birth to her dead baby boy as her home was burned to the ground. She later returned to her home where she buried her slain husband and child, stitched herself up, and headed in to the woods. She didn’t walk far before she collapsed on the ground and passed out.
When she awoke in the forest, she was alone. She was sore from battle and birth. All she wanted to do was lay there and die. Why did the Gods curse her like this? She tried to make a peaceful life for herself. Years of building a life and it was all taken away in few short terrifying moments. She suddenly heard something. It was very faint but close by. She stumbled to her feet to find where the noise was coming from. It was a quite wine of something in distress. She followed the high-pitched cry to a wolf den where a small white new born pup had been abandoned by its mother. Without its mother the pup would surely die. Ylva’s breasts were swollen with milk and the wine of the wolf pup were making them hurt. Luckily Ylva had small enough nipples to where the pup could suckle off of her. She raised the pup as though it were her own child. Ylva named the white wolf Solvfang meaning silver fang. Ylva and Solvfang lived in the forest far away for anyone. Ylva learned the language of trees and the magic of the Gods. She became an enchantress, a wild woman who was only seeking peace with her son Solvang.

Chapter 3: Ylva’s Revenge

Ylva had searched many halls and made many deals with kings and queens to find who was held responsible for the death of Solvfang. She journeyed as a shield madden with her armor, shield, sword, and axe. One night she entered a great hall of a chieftain named Zarek. King Zarek was one of the few chieftains who still used berserkers in their front lines. Such a practice was ill advised because berserkers have been known to get blood drunk and confused in battle so much to where they turned on their own people. Zarek was preparing his troops to move in and attack his cousin Cnut who was attempting to usurp Zarek’s throne. As Ylva entered the great hall she saw many warriors who had gathered at the call of their chieftain sworn by their sacred arm rings. Ylva began to look around where many berserkers had gathered. Many of the pelts were grey wolves or brown bears. She did not see her Solvfang anywhere. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a large tattooed warrior with a giant scar across his face walk out from the back of the great hall and out the doors. When she saw the man exit, he was wearing what she thought looked like a white wolf pelt. She quickly ran to exit the crowded great hall but before she could two guards blocked her exit and a strong voice called from across the hall and said, “You there! Shield madden!” Ylva turned to see who was speaking to her, it was king Zarek addressing her personally. She turned and bowed, Zarek must have assumed that she was a shield madden come for the glory of battle. Zarek then said, “Not very many shield maddens choose to fight along side berserkers. You are either very brave or very stupid.” Ylva then said, “Forgive me my lord but Freyja’s hall has called to me and I will not be intimidated by some big dumb beast.” The entire hall went very still and silent. Zarek stroke his blonde beard as he then grabbed a horn of mead, began to laugh, and shouted, “Skol!” Just then the entire hall broke out in laughter and everyone returned to drinking and talking. Ylva ran out the doors of the hall searching the crowded walk ways of the town. She lost him, if she was to hope and see the berserker again, she would have to find him on the field of battle.
The next morning all the warriors left to march for the battlefield where the forces of Zarek and Cnut would clash for a battle of the throne. Ylva marched with the small few shield maddens that chose to fight for Zarek. Both Armies met on a green field that would soon run red with blood. Cnut advanced his forces into the field of battle being hungry for power. Zarek being more patient sent all his berserkers to the front of his lines and had them hold. The berserkers began to howl and scream with rage, some even gnawed at their own shields like a rabid animal. Other berserkers began to pace like a beast awaiting to be uncaged. Zarek knew that his berserkers would not last much longer in holding the line and that they needed battle or they would soon turn on one another. He could not wait any longer and with one wave of his hand a Viking warrior blew a war horn and the berserkers sprinted out into the field. Many of the berserkers wore only their pelts with their bare tattooed chests and painted faces screaming into battle. All of the berserkers were large muscular men with thick beards, shaved heads, and covered in scars.
Ylva pushed her way to the front moving warriors out of her way. Only five other brave shield maidens dared to fallow her. Ylva made her way to the front where the rest of the warriors were advancing in a shield wall formation. Peaking thru the shields she tried to spot her Solvang, the berserkers were raging thru Cnut’s forces of which most of them were terrified making tactical errors and getting themselves slaughtered. Ylva suddenly spotted the berserker wearing Solvang’s hide. She pushed through the shield wall and charged out to meet him. The other five shield maidens pushed out with her not knowing what would happen. Ylva ran out to where the berserker was and with a loud yell that echoed through the earth like a blast waved blew back all the warriors with such an intense force that they exploded leaving no more than red smudges, broken swords, splintered shields, and tattered armor on the ground.
The berserker who was merely knocked down stood up to see what had happened. He turned to see what matter of creature could do such damage, and to his surprise there was a small shield maiden with silver hair like the moon, with five other terrified shield maidens in a defensive position behind her. The battle continued to rage around them as if some strange force had separated them from the battle. The berserker not knowing what was going on looked at Ylva and screamed in a fit of rage. Ylva charged at the man. The Berserker carried a large axe and swung it at Ylva to break her advance. Ylva dodged the large axe cutting only a small lock of her hair. The berserker swung again upon where Ylva blocked it with her shield and with a mighty swing of her sword she cut through the berserker’s axe and cutting the berserkers hands off as the pieces of his axe fell to the ground. The berserker knew that this would be his end, excepting his fate not knowing who she was or why she had such great power. Ylva with a loud scream cut the berserkers head off in one blow. Ylva quickly grabbed Solvang’s pelt by the head letting the berserkers head and lifeless body fall to the ground. She rubbed her face into Solvang’s fur as tears streamed down her face. Ylva turned around to see the five shield maidens behind her knelt with their swords raised. They wanted to fight like her.
Ylva trained the five shield maidens that became great sorceresses. Two of the shield maidens became her two best students. The two were inseparable, their names were Signe who had long black hair with green eyes and Estrid, who had curly red hair with one blue eye and one brown eye. Ylva didn’t know why but some how she sensed that they were kindred souls that would always find one another throughout the ages of time. Ylva didn’t want a kindred soul it seemed too exhausting for her, all Ylva wanted was to be at peace. On the day that Ylva took her last breath and when she was welcomed into the hall of Folkvang, where Solvang was waiting for her with Ludwig standing at his side.

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