

The New Book of the Living
Life Of Victorious Evangelist UnkleTT Jerrie Williams... New to this but I could not miss: The Chance to write the wrongs to become even more Spiritually STRONG... Rest In Peace to the life lived (spelled backwards DEVIL)?? Frfr if Satan is the father of lies than God is definitely Mother Earth, the one whom gives us birth. I am so blessed to have obtained a way to open my 3rd EYE. Which happens to be My Brain that's been trained to no longer live my Life insane. (A wonderful imagination)Never again will life be the same, cause I'm a M.A.C (Mother Always Can) who has Made A Change, 4 the Better Forever and Ever... I am the New book of the Living; proof of all I write as the right hand of a ready Righter of the Truth.
Catch 22 in the year 2022 is what I'm about to do: Nothing 2 Chance is nothing to chance... Yet what about Love which is me a THUG romance. Trained Her-o Under God/dess here to introduce this prophetic book of prophecy that I am inspired by way of Mother Earth (whom is the Universe) to write. No longer will the world be under its generational curse it's been placed in reverse. The remote is what I call the reprint of the truth in which I have been given, that's why I am still here living. I have come to bring about a new way of living based upon a new route, a route to spiritually free all who do not doubt.
I encourage you that gets the privilege to read this book to be persuaded by the words that you hear to lift you up and not tear you down. This is the understanding of a vast spiritual realm that exists to all whom believes to be blessed to receive the messages that are directly given to you by way of divine time, no longer do you have to wait in line. The power that opens up the power of the mind, body and soul to bring into existence the truth that was lost, stolen and damaged by the ghost of the past. Today the devil (no longer exist) it died in all of our yesterday's never again to return...
I've just decided to dedicate this one to my Mother Laverne: Mother how can I truly thank you for giving me life, that(lol) I could truly never answer but it is why I have become my own greatest counselor. The Great N.E.W.S ( Newly Enlighted Woman Spiritually ) at 48 I'm still here, so it's not too late. I know who's Will I Ams on a daily basis. I figured out the meaning of what sin really is... It's the lack of understanding of who you really are... Find out the truth for yourself this way you and all you are around will spiritually succeed in the newly planted seed. This book is The giver of Life and the Eternal sense of it...
That's My Intro so here is my Demo now PRO verb yeah you heard, my new word no not a proverb like in the Bible just saying cuz I ain't in no recital. PRO verb which means I'm A PRO, pro meaning no longer an amateur and verb means at action. Action is action so relate to this next caption:

Chapter 1 "Lose the Mask".
I call myself Unkle TT not because I want to be a man, it's because I have truly come to understand that I have two parents: a Mother and a Father in which I am both, representing the Unk of life. Remove the mask is your 1st task: the ways of this world is what put you in direct contact with its deadly poison: the snake known as the fire in the lake. So let us thank the God/dess that this is the now said remake to overtake the mask of the past. You too have been released from the horrors of death 1st by Destroying Evil And The Hypocrite within yourself, to Deliver Every Angel/Apostle To Heaven or Descend Every Atheist To Hell... it all spells DEATH. You also have been given a spirit of redemption on a daily basis to identify your true identity. You only have to believe to receive what existed then still exist now. All which comes in form of a new way, it's the present gift given to you each day.
Your life is the very proof that you need to become your very own New Book Of The Living(the new seed).You cannot afford to remain ignorant and or without the proper wisdom and knowledge to the truth to fully set you free from the bondage of lies, deceit and deception. No longer can you live in the way you did to impress the world around you behind a false mask. It's time to reveal your true identity; your Show and Tell is what I call it. Are you ready for your Show and Tell?
Think back to as far as you can to begin learning how to lose your mask of your past. Start by painting the picture of the new you. You have to reshape and reform that in which you were born. You are your very own wellspring of Life, the reprint that is replanted in the new soil that will not rot or spoil. Overcome the ghost of the past that tries to hunt you in order to staunt your growth process, therefore keeping you in darkness so you won't see your way out. You have to become a doer of your word in order to manifest you at your best. Do not allow yourself to stay a slave to your slave mentality. Always continue to gain access to your free will to express the way you truly feel(without malice). Seek the greatest counsel in the spiritual realm that exist in your thoughts of imagination. This is the process that has to take place to manifest your life and/or death, however you choose to look at your life and your death. FR FR You're participation is needed in everything you do from here on out. You are you're very own new route(no matter however you look at it). Nobody can truly dictate who you are as well as nobody can live your life for you. I had to realize that myself LOL..
I was born on 2/4/74 in Las Vegas Nevada a 24-hour City with no pity, 7 days a week where we never sleep, 4 weeks in a month which in sums is my date of birth to this earth 2/4/74. In Revelations it talks about the 24 elders, the 7-fold spirit of God/dess and the 4 living beings, crazy huh? Tell me why I just did 2years in prison, it was my 4th time, went every 7 (apart) years with 4 felonies on my PHD: Player Hustling Degree. I got my own Pedigree in my seeds which was planted in me my mini me's BreRahKi, (future Clothing Line). So it's going to be up to you whether you be the greatest in your life and/ or the least in your life...
Going back to my DOB the day of my 25th birthday February 4th, 1999 I didn't want to lose my life and I witnessed a Spiritual Divine occurrence that took place that will forever change the very course of my life due to me not wanting to die that particular day at hand. Since then I have been in training to explain what was unexplainable due to it being unexplainable. I know it happened just the way it did, a personal out of body experience of the truth: Here I am today living the proof of who"s Will I Ams. We all have our spiritual battles in which I'm sure you remember some. Your good and bad experiences allows you to see the chronicle logical events that became the story of your Life. (spiritual food for thought)... Your life is about learning your lessons to receive your blessings. (In which I see is life back guaranteed with a lifetime warranty to succeed), it's all you need. It's up to you how you decide you're going to proceed, a spiritual way indeed so take the lead.
What lesson have you learned today? How are you going to use that to build you a new way to live? What I've learned today will keep me from running into places that I do not belong, in my mind especially where the past tries to hunt me. I distract myself from those thoughts that hinder my growth process (you should do the same). I encourage you to live your present gift and know that you have been freed from all your yesterdays. Free is free indeed until death truly do you part from this earth that is. Remember you are the only true witness to what your yesterday's looked like. This is why I can only suggest you keep an open mind about what is going to be revealed to you in this life giving book.
I'm getting more excited just to know that I'm alive and walking way of this new book, living spiritually speaking all that is written....
#2 avoid all negative thoughts and hostility from within and allow the truth to be told it's the process of making you bold. No longer do you have to remain silent and put up with the world and it's domestic violence: a theory called the Willie Lynch theory... This brings me to why I was born on Rosa Parks date of birth February 4th and Martin Luther King Jr delivered that famous speech on February 4th. (To Reverse that Theory into what will be more Cheery). Even though we have come so far since the separation of mankind, you as your own storyteller only need to tell the truth of your life to enter into what I call this new theory The Reverse of the Willie Lynch Curse.(spiritual food for thought). Tell a lie and you just might die, you have no reason to be ashamed. We all was under the false impressions of the lies of the past and the truth about who we really are. The person you are inspiring yourself to be, is the very thing that will set you free. Free to believe in you as the new book of the living. That's living in you, being who you are living your own life. Your life is being produced by what you believe; what you say, what you do, what you think and what you feel,
it's s all in your control. Nobody can make you do any of those things that you don't want to do. It's your prerogative not to react, speak, feel or think negative and/or be positive. It's hard to do but the more you practice the more you will walk in that way. Practice makes perfect (so practice practice practice).
Get yourself into a new daily routine, this way you avoid suffocation. Remember that the new book is living in you on a daily base. You are your own Story Book which consists of the days of your life. Start taking notes to put together those days of your life in book form. Believe it or not writing has truly become one of the greatest pleasures for me to present all that comes to my mind to you as my reader. I do not have to directly be in your presence to have my presence felt. I no longer live in the world of uncertainty to get through this day. I have only to respond with the positive energy. My positive vision and positive actions set me above all of my circumstances that tries to hold me down, bound and /or stuck in the past life I lived, devil spelled backwards. Just as my life is the great course that took place in order for me to see and be witness of a power so great in which today I know is real, so is yours. Ask and you to shall receive that which you ask. I wanted ears to hear and eyes to see the truth and I did . Just keep in mind that everything is not what it seems to be or said to me or not be. It's up to you not to be confused by the confusion which is a tactic that will hinder your growth. What you do not know you just don't know and you will not be held accountable for. Believe me the more you know the more you're going to have to know in order to grow into the new you and that is the goal...
Your life is in your hands the ball is in your court, it's up to you to be a good sport. What you choose to do with your life is up to you. This does not at all mean you get to dictate others and what they choose to do with their life. My thing is to spiritually educate others on what it is that I know. Not something that I learned by way of school or somebody else telling me that this is what is right or wrong. I remember when I was 17 years old me asking God if you real I want to know who you are and then I became aware of life and just how real God is Real to each of us in our own way. It's your personal way to believe in a God of your own understanding. All in your inner most self.
Hearts, Minds, Stars is my 7 book series, I'm in the process of rewriting them. part 1 is Having Every Srea Rightly Taught Spiritually 7 chapters part 2 Having Every Area Rightly Trained Spiritually 12 round fight and part 3 is Having Every Area Rightly Teached Spiritually 21 phases this book also Part 1 of the minds series called Moving In New Directions Spiritually part 2 is Moving In Newer Depths/Dimensions Spirituality and part 3 goes into the Stars part1 Maintaining Intellectual Nourishment Daily Spiritually.. Part 1 of STAR is Striving To Achieve Recovery Spiritually part 2, Seeking To Accept Righteousness Spiritually part 3 and Struggling To Aquire Riches Spiritually. You can look forward to these books soon. Look forward also to chapter 2 Of The New Book Of The Living....
© Love Unkle TT Jerrie