

The streetlights were dim as the mist enclosed it in its mysterious grip. She peered out of her window into the darkness, was there someone out there or was it her imagination? "I think its just my imagination" she said to herself.
She went back to the novel she was reading and she dosed off. she suddenly woke up hearing footsteps outside. Her heartbeat increased she thought about what to do. She called her friend Daniel who was a policeman and stayed nearby.but the phone went straight to voicemail.
"Hi Daniel its me Jael calling, just needed your help I heard some footsteps outside so I thought they maybe robbers" she ended her voicemail. and waited
"Should I call the police." she asked herself "but what if there is no one out there I wouldn't want to create a scene." she assured herself. As she was still in these thoughts she heard a loud noise. Her sitting room window had been broken. She picked up her phone to call the police but before she could do so three men entered her bedroom and surrounded her.
"If you still want your life give us those documents" The tallest one amongst them barked.
"What documents are you talking about" she asked them. "Hey don't play with us you know what were are talking about"
The tallest one picked her up and caught her and squeezed her jaws "where are they you imbecile don't waste our time?" he asked again.
The smallest one amongst them started checking her room. She then remembered the documents they were talking about. She had recently found the evidence that were showing that their manager was laundering money into other banks.
"Where is it?" she was asked. But she didn't reply the man grew impatient and slapped her hard he kicked her in the belly. She coughed out blood.
"who sent you?"she managed to ask "Is it Mr.Jackson Reils" she added. "That's none of your concern" the smallest one hissed back. then she saw her phone ring but none of the men saw it since it was in silence. It was Daniel calling. she quickly answered it and started shouting at the men.
"What makes you think those documents are in my house?" she asked.
One of them pulled out a gun and said " if you don't tell us where those documents are am going to shoot your brains out." " come on do it and let's see if your boss will pay if you don't have those documents " she was slapped again hard. she saw Daniel hang up and knew he was coming to save her.
In about five minutes police sirens could be heard outside. "Damm it she called the cops" the tall one said. He then hit her on the head with the gun and she blacked out.
She felt some one hold her hand she woke up and saw Daniel was the person holding her hand. "What happened "she asked. "The thangs that attacked you were arrested plus Mr. Reils who sent them. " Oh! thank you for saving me" she thanked him and Daniel pulled her close and hagged her. " I love you" he whispered in her ear. "I love you too" replied.

© Perfect Writer