

143 "Doctor's Visit" part 1

Dr. Ruth Moore has recently finished her degree in Psychology, while finishing her internship at The Psychological Wellness Center she finds that there aren't many opportunities to find a full time job. Ruth takes a bold risk and decides to begin her own practice. With the world currently on a standstill due to a global pandemic, she reluctantly offers a less than usual hourly rate to help more people being mentally challenged by current adversaries and their domino effects. Her first customer, however, was an old friend - Montgomery Langston, or Monte as she knew him affectionately. Surprised to see him, he congratulated her for becoming all that she said she would and pays in full for a week of therapy. With each visit, they both struggle to keep the old flame hashed out.

Dr. Ruth cannot allow herself to be taken by the monster before her as she once did.. but the sexual tension makes this week rather difficult.

Growing tensions also befall the couple as a murder was involved subsequently, Ruth becomes a player in the game of a psychopath.

As kids, one of the scariest moments in our lives is when our parents look at our school grades, as adults, one of the scariest things is falling in love. Montgomery Langston was in love, so much that he forsook all the previous times he thought he had loved someone. It had almost been two years since he met the love of his life, driving down the freeway he remembers the way she broke him down; not in a bad way... but she broke down every wall he had built up and dismissed the facade of a gangster he was whenever she came around. He continues to have flashbacks of her kisses, the way she would apply her lipgloss a second time after he smooched it all off the first.

"Damn, what am I doing..." he muttered to himself, listening to the loud exhaust roar and the turbo whistling when he changed from third to fourth gear. He was almost there, and would have been much sooner if he didn't look up at the rear view mirror and saw flashing blue lights.

"Fuck" ...

Pulling over, he switched off the AC and wound down the tinted windows. The officer exited his vehicle and approached Montgomery on the driver's side of his car.

"Mr. Langston, nice car... what is this, M4?" The officer asked.

"Uh yeah..." Montgomery answered while biting his nails.

"I know you're not the type of man to be nervous, but you seem a bit jittery... mind telling me why you're doing 75 in a 50?"

Montgomery took his hand away from his mouth slowly and smiled with his head hung low.

"I actually have a therapy session that I'm late for, I'll try to keep it under 50. We cool?"

The officer agreed and looked around before stretching his hand inside the Amethyst Purple painted BMW M4, accepting a few crumpled notes that added up to $400.

"Have a good therapy session Mr. Langston."


Before the officer could get back into his radio car, he watched and listened as Montgomery sped off leaving dust behind, dishonoring the promise of keeping within the speed limit.
Finally, he had arrived to his destination, he looked up at the familiar white building that he once knew so well. Taking a deep breath, he entered the yard and began calling for someone to answer, but there was silence. Taking out his cell, he dialed Ruth..

'Ring.. Ring.. Ring..' but no answer.

"I wonder," he said, right before dialing another number; Dr. Moore.

The phone rang twice and she picked up.

"Are you sleeping?" He asked impulsively.

"Who is this?" She answered with a question of her own.

"Come on Doc, this is Mr. Langston, don't tell me you've forgotten my voice."

"Monte?! What... yes.. I was sleeping.. what are you calling about?"

"I'm outside your place and I'm here for a therapy session." He responded being coy.

"I can't believe you... Christ! Crazy people... I'll be right out."

Monte laughed as he hung up the phone, knowing her the way he did, he knew he would be waiting outside for another twenty minutes... and so he went back to the car and turned on the AC and some music. As anticipated, 22 minutes had passed and he heard the locks to the front door being opened. Ruth exited the house and met him on the other side of the grilled veranda, she hadn't seen him in a year, and as he stood before her she still had not laid eyes on him except for his feet.

"Good morning sir, how are you?" She asked as she unlocked the grill too, and marching past Monte to take out some trash.

"Uh.. I'm good, yeah.. yourself?" He answered with a grin, knowing she had been inside overreacting before she finally came to the door.

"I'm fine," she said, after avoiding eye contact for a prolonged period of time, she asked for another minute to go wash her hands. She did... and when she returned she asked him again what he had come about.

"I told you, I'm here for a therapy session.. congrats on completing your degree, and starting your own practice... I know it was always your dream... and by the way, you can look at me."

She smiled and thanked him for the kind words. Slowly bringing her eyes up to meet his face, she released a quiet sigh and they hugged for at least a minute and a half.

"So Doc, are you gonna have me out here all morning or can I see your operating room?" Montgomery jeered.

"I'm not that kind of doc, sir. Yes, you can come in."

The sign on the door had read

  M.A. Psychology"

"Working from home, not a bad gig" he said.

Ruth had led him to the area she setup to see her clients, a room set aside which had a coffee table, two fine light blue chairs and a couch. Monte had done his research before showing up and knew that Ruth would be opening her doors for business come the next monday. He also knew that she was charging about half the cost of what she was truly worth. To her it was a way of providing a well needed service in a time of a global pandemic and low incomes. People needed to be able to afford therapy.

"So this is the 'operating room' in your own words."

"I love it, have you had any clients booked for monday as yet?"

Ruth chuckled and answered "no, but faith, you know? ... After I finished interning at The Psychological Wellness Center there was really nothing for me.. so here I am doing my own thing. I guess.."

Monte looked at her as if he was unsettled, pulling out his billfold he placed $1000 in her hand and said "I was serious about the therapy, I'm paying you upfront for one week."

"This is more than I charge, and what do you need therapy for?"

"Come on doc, my pockets aren't shy, let's get down to business shall we?"

Deciding to indulge his familiarly impulsive and obnoxious behaviour, she was swayed, and took a seat.

"Let's begin then."

Monte removed his jacket, placing it on the shoulder of one of the beautifully upholstered arm chair. And joined Ruth on the couch, swiftly kicking up his feet and resting his head on her lap.

She laughed, "I'm not quite sure this is how these things go, Montgomery."

"Humor me, so I have this problem, doc." He says being very serious.

"Go on."

"I'm having a terrible time getting over my ex." He went on, noticing the smirk beneath her big lensed spectacles. "It's been a long time, and I have tried recklessly to forget her, but no matter what I do or who I do it with... nothing feeling right."

She stroked his hair, and confessed to liking the shirt he was wearing.

"Mhmm?" She uttered.

"Being with my ex, always feels like home.. and I know there are many factors that caused us to break up.. and reasons why we should stay apart.. but I can't stay away."

"I see..." she said.

Monte looked up at her and mockingly played her role for her.

"And how does that make you feel Monte??.. Oh! Just terrible doc. Thanks for asking.." He blurted out. At this moment the ice had been broken and Ruth laughed out loudly.

"I'm sorry," she said, "this is just... I wanna say I understand where you're coming from.. and maybe I'd have some actual advice for you if it wasn't you." ..

"Ruth, I miss you... I know the circumstances around our break up, but I have never loved anyone but you."

"Monte," she said followed by a sigh, "I miss you too..  and being with you taught me what true love is.. but we can't, you know we can't."

Monte got up and began pacing back and forth..
"I should just kill her, I've thought about it you know? I know she wasn't the only reason for our breakup but.. I wasted so much energy.. on suicide watch... always being with her when I should have been with you.. all for her to do this to me."  He said being overtaken by the jitters again. 

"First of all, no, sometimes people don't deserve the love we give but it's always good to spread love and kindness anyway, right?"

He ignored her altogether, instead, Monte stared at a plastic rose on the coffee table and smiled, it was a rose he gave to her a year ago and said that their love would only die when this rose died.. seeing as the rose was plastic, he told her in his own way that he would never stop loving her.

"Monte, you will leave that girl alone.. have you killed anyone lately?"

"You know that I have..."

And then there was silence for a few seconds.

He sat back down and they began talking about all the things the other had been up to in the last year. Montgomery was a businessman, owner of many properties where he served as landlord, but he also dealt his hands in the devil's work.. Ruth knew everything about him as she was once his right hand. Eventually, they talked and exceeded any fake boundaries they both had set, she laid her head on his chest and told him she loves him. Ruth had been awakened out of her sleep when he had arrived and called her work phone after her personal cell went to voicemail, so she was dressed fairly comfortable in a draw string shorts that showed her figure and a crop top that showed her pointy nipples bursting through. Stretching upward she released a yawn and Monte could feel the base of her bust as he hugged her from where they laid. Unable to stop himself his hand began to wander upward and downward simultaneously, massaging her stiff and aroused breasts with his left hand, and pulling the string of her shorts with his right.

"Monte, think about what you're doing." She said as an empty warning... soon she begins to moan softly when she felt the tip of his finger rubbing against her clitoris.

"It looks like you've already been thinking about what I'm doing, so I have no need to." He said boldly.

Squeezing her voluptuous breasts again he removed his hand from underneath her crop top and gripped her by her throat. They begin kissing as though they were trying to make up for lost time and she felt the full length of Monte's fingers. Gasping for whatever oxygen was left, she let out a cry and uttered the words "I'm gonna cum.."

Monte turned her over and pulled off her shorts aggressively.

"Hey! Wait.. wait.. we can't have sex" she said..

"Of course not," he answered while he bent down and blew on her swollen clit.

"Say yes." He said.

The doctor was outside of herself at this point, and laughed as she watched him eagerly wanting to eat her out.


Monte pleased her in that way only, barely holding back from pulling out his member.

"Get dressed," he said as he lifted up his head and held out his two fingers that were drenched by her orgasms, she licked them clean.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"Out, just get dressed."

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