

Solider's pain and their hearts...
Once upon a time, On hot sunny day, there was a military bivouac, head by Marines. it was good enough. Marines needed some different fields of military members. So, they called upon some members from the city, villages and towns.

These members were selected by them, who were fit for the army. Rare members didn't come. So, they had beaten and rushed to come and they came.

In the military bivouac, there was severe punishment and workout, who they can't handle those. Someone was cried, in upset, felt lonely and unhappy. The head man of the Marines called every soliders, gave a loud and wonderful speech of our nation. Cried and felt ill solider were stood up and they said " Yes, today onwards we will work for our nation".

But one man didn't go through this speech. Coz, he has left his wife and his children. By leaving the city, both of them hearts breaks and she gave a bracelet because to be her thought. When that mam think about her wife, the man would keep her bracelet on his heart to avoid thinking about her. Both the hearts are in worries.

After some days, he would realize that, this is nice opportunity to serve my nation.

Part 2 will be continue within few days

© Priyadharshan Soundar Rajan