

The Holy Sisters
Once upon a time, there were these 6 sisters who lived in the richest, affluent country in Luxembourg city. The sisters live in a mansion.
Luxembourg is a small European country, surrounded by Belgium, France, and Germany. It is mostly rural, which has a dense Ardennes forest and nature parks in the north. It is a large city of several successful business individuals and families. The Holy sisters are part of the affluent country.
The 6 Holy sisters' birth names are Schneider. The sister's names are Kara, Rudy, James, Kacy, Trina, and Dominique. Everyone in the community used to call them the Schneider family. The name Schneider is a German name they take from their father Glenn Schneider. The sisters are multiracial. They are half German and African American. Their father is German and their mother, Amy Schneider is black.
Now, they go by the Holy sisters. Everyone calls them the Holy sisters because of their dedication and commitment to serving Christ. They are devoted to what they believe in. Their father, Glenn, was raised as a roman catholic growing up. When he married Amy in 1977, he had to convert his religion to Christianity. His family was not satisfied with his decision making on converting his religion to Christianity. The reason why Glenn had chosen Christianity is that he loves and honors his wife. Amy wanted Glenn to convert himself because that is part of her culture and family tradition back in Chicago where she was born.
Glenn went along with the decision because she had been such a great wife to him and their girls.
Kara is the youngest among all 5. She is 21. She is charming, independent, and educated. Rudy is 25 and is the most intelligent one who knows wisdom and takes care of her family. Jamca is 28. She is the most spiritual woman out of all her sisters. Most people in the community call her a Bible nerd because she is strictly religious. She does not participate in social groups or clubs. Jamca is an introvert and bases her life on scriptures. She follows every word in the Bible. She does not have any mate or even considering the idea of dating in this lifetime. She is a truly spiritual woman. Kacy is 30, and successful, and also owns a hair salon near downtown. She also sings at their family's local church in the community called First Christian Family. Amy's brother, Todd, owns and preaches at the church. Her brother is their pastor. Everyone calls him pastor Johnson. Trina is 36. She is the only sister that is married and is an Evangelist who teaches Bible study every Wednesday night at the church. She also knows a lot of Evangelists who are out of state and has a best friend who is an Evangelist also from Chicago. Dominique is 41. She is the eldest sister in the family. Dominique has power and control over their family's church and most people gossip about the matter. She gives her uncle, pastor Johnson, ideas on what to preach about. Dominique is the most devious, ambitious, and most talked-about sister in the entire community.
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