

Selfish Love: Chapter 12
●WARNING! have curse words●

Then at noon when Maruqez returns home, she was really happy to see Ruru, she burst crying and hugged her tight, mom was sleeping..Ruru started to cry and whisper "dont hurt me..dont hurt me" Maruqez listened closely, thinking she was hearing it wrong..
"Dont hurt me.." Maruqez quickly looked at Ruru, she was shivering in fear, Maruqez slowly tries to move her hair away from her face but Ruru suddenly turns her head away and pushed Maruqez away.
Ruru stayed silent and finally calmed down..meanwhile at Ryhnee's house, Yuna said everything.. Zury and Rhynee was speechless, they looked to eachother and sighs as they looked back at Yuna..Ryhnee decided she would ask Yuna questions..
"What if Ruru got brain damaged and she's not who she is now?"
Yuna flinched and gasps..
"I...i will still try to get her to remember me!"
"What if she totally forgot her name? And starts acting strange?"
"No!..i hope not.. There's no one as good as her...she's like..the last of the elite..a person who could understand others..i cant lose or give up on someone like that.. she's been through alot..." Yuna tried not to cry as she said "besides...i made her a promise... i cant break it, and i wont..."
Ryhnee was curious and asks "what did you promise her?"
"I promised her that i would be with her no matter what, and always be by her side..i wont break it for dumb shit like this.."
"I see...im sorry Yuna, don't worry...everything will be fine soon.."
Zury decided to cut in and rudely said "if she doesn't remember you, its okay to break it right? She wont remember about it since she doesn't remember you anyway"
Ryhnee looked straight into Zury's eyes madly as she whispers "shut it!" So Zury apologized and stayed quiet.
"I really hope Ruru is fine"
Meanwhile, at Maruqez's house, Ruru decides to take her step mom's camera and record her bedroom she was sharing with Maruqez, she hide it in a place that Maruqez couldn't spot, and said to herself "im going to set myself free...if no one could save me, i will just make my way out...i will make my out to reach you..Yuna" then Ruru smiles and has an insane looking face as she said to herself "i will show them what you've been doing to me..maru.."
Maruqez was just sitting in the sofa, spacing out. Ruru slowly walks towards her, slightly smiling, and just sat then uses her phone. But then dad and mom woke up, so they tried to act normal.
"Im really glad Ruru is fine..i dont want anything like that to happen to any of my kids.."
Then dad was just trying to act cold, and stared straight into Maruqez's eyes, Maruqez was scared but also tried to act normal.
"Did you girls went into a fight before yesterday? I still didnt forget about the bruises Ruru had on her wrists and neck, while You have a bite mark on your lower arm"
Then dad cuts in
"Yeah...the bruises Ruru had around her neck means she was strangled, but by who?"
Ruru was shock
"You were the one who stayed with Ruru, both of you were alone...now since she's being strangled by your arm from behind, she bit your lower arm to escape...and i assume you caught her by her wrists..."
Mom was so shock she couldn't believe it, and there's no other possibilities she could think of, so dad continues
"I also remembered when mom saw your diary, you were frightened and embarrassed..."
Then he looked at Ruru as he said "so was Ruru?" He looked back to Maruqez madly as he says "you took it away, and i saw how both of you were embarrassed and ran to the room..that being said...explain me why both of you changed your clothes that night?"
Maruqez forgot to act normal...she was nervous, and couldn't talk.
"Im sorry.. i always pay attention to everything..even pointless ones.."
Mom panicked and said "you gotta be lying! It cant be! My child will never do such things!"
"I know, its your child thats why. Your childrens aren't children anymore...well.. not until Maru poisoned Ruru's brain" then he walked out the house, so Mom yelled "is that true?!"
Ruru flinched and goes to the corner, but Mom was yelling at Maruqez, she just stayed still, looking down while her hair covers her face, so mom pushed her to see her and asked her the same question again.
"Tell me! Is it true what you just did?!" Maruqez couldn't think of any excuse, her mom cried and slapped her as hard as she could, Ruru shouted and tried to cover Maruqez as she shouts
"Please stop! Please dont hurt her! Just a talk could be just fine!"
Mom pushed Ruru away as she says "get away from her! Dont make me target you! Its not your problem! Its hers!"
Then Maruqez decided to tell the truth to avoid getting hit, so she yelled as loud as she could as she cries..
"Fine! Yes its true!"
Mom was so mad, she tried to hit Maruqez again but Ruru keeps getting in her way, so she accidentally hurt Ruru as well, While Maruqez tried to stop Ruru from covering her...mom kept trying to push Ruru away but Ruru wont stop, so she just cried from anger, disappointment and sadness..Maruqez wasn't even crying, but her face tells that she's hurt, Ruru was shivering while crying terribly, so Maruqez hugs her while rubbing her head as she whispers
"Shhh...it's okay Ruru..dont worry"
Later that night..while Ruru and Maruqez tried to sleep since they have school tomorrow, both of them couldn't sleep, so Maruqez turned around to see Ruru and caresses her hair behind her ears and said as she smiles
"I never thought you would save me.."
Ruru hugged Maruqez, but Maruqez wanted to give her a kiss
"N-no maru...i cant let you do it anymore.."
"But why?"
"Just dont..im at my limit..we will get in trouble, and i dont want to waste some part of your life"
"But..it seems like you like me at some point"
"Even if i do, i cant let you do it...i know we are not blood related but still.."
"Then im sorry Ruru, im not gonna let you stop me"
Maruqez quickly goes on top of her and gently held Ruru's wrist,
"My wrists! It hurts!"
Maruqez decided to hold her hands...Maruqez didnt know about the camera that Ruru setted up. Ruru tries to escape to see how Maruqez would react, she's still as brutal as ever..she was forced to stay silent..
But Ruru was really at her limit, she shouted and pushed Maruqez away then tried to run away, but Maruqez once again caught her again and closed her mouth, Ruru kept trying to shout and aggressively tried to escape from Maruqez's grip
"Ruru! Ruru!! Calm down!"
Ruru couldn't calm down any longer, she kept crying and trying to escape, Maruqez was frightened that she would lose grip,
"Ruru please calm down..i will stop it..i will stop it now, just calm down please.."
Ruru slowly calmed down, but her mouth was still covered, she instantly moved Maruqez's arm when she wasn't ready and took a deep breath, she then repeatedly hits Maruqez hard enough for her to fall as she shouts
"You suffocated me!! You suffocated me!!"
"Calm down! They might hear us!"
"I dont care anymore! I would do anything for you to be.."
Maruqez was nervously listening, but Ruru stopped for a moment...she couldn't breath from crying...then she shouts
"I would do anything for you to be TAKEN AWAY FROM ME!"
Maruqez was shock, she accidentally puts her hand against her chest and she tried not to cry as she tries to slowly stand up, and sadly looked at Ruru. But Ruru still continues what she wants to say
"Im already sick of you, of course i would feel terrible if you're gone, because we've known eachother for so long..we did have fun moments..but now it all changed..it was your fault anyway.. keeping a terrible secret from me..just so i could be yours.. cant you look at yourself and think about what you're doing? You dont love me. Or maybe you do but you have a fucked up way to showing it"
Maruqez just looked down..listening to what Ruru have to say.
"I feel bad for you if its like that. I wish i could be a better person and help you out with it. Be prepared.."
Ruru then took her clothes and wore them as she head out the room. Maruqez just sat on the bed, trying her best not to cry, so she decided she would sleep, while Ruru is just sitting on the sofa chair as she drinks water..
The next morning, when mom went into Maruqez's room to wake her up, she didnt find Ruru, so she woke her up fast and checked the sofa...just to find Ruru sleeping there
"Oh my..Ruru!"
She woke Ruru up
"What happened?"
"I will tell you later..let me wash myself up first.."
Maruqez was really scared for what Ruru was planning, so she tried to follow her but mom called her to eat breakfast, and she doesn't want to make it seem suspicious, so she just sat and waited for Ruru so they could start eating..
But while eating..Mom notices Maruqez's face..
"Maru..what happened? Did you cry all night yesterday?"
"What? No i didnt, why?"
"No..you cried, what happened?"
Then Ruru just started crying terribly, so mom was so scared, Ruru quickly ran to the room, she cried loudly as she grabs the camera, she stopped the video, good thing the camera wasn't taking much time to process.
"What happened to her?!"
Maruqez stayed silent..and mean while Ruru was removing unnecessary clips as she said to herself
"This cam...is too strong, i cant believe it. Its really meant to be this way Maru..there's no other way..im sorry, i love you..but..i wish i wasn't your step sister. Thats the reason why i couldn't be what you want me to be.. " then she grabs the door knob..
"If we weren't step sisters, i could be the better person and tell you about what you needed to know..since you wanted me so badly that you dont want anyone else but me"
As she walks outside the room, Maruqez saw the cam on her hand, she immediately thought Ruru captured everything last night, she cried and ran to her to stop her, but Ruru pushed her away, mom was so shock
"Kids! What happened!? Stop fighting!!"
"Watch this mom.."
Maruqez shouted
Ruru stopped Maruqez from trying to run after mom..
Mom was frightened from what she saw, she covered her mouth as she starts to tear up, then looked at Maruqez.. Ruru then said
"Call the police..or else i will have to make a friend call the police for me, she's been doing this to me for years..i kept it a secret cause i thought she'd stop.."
"Cant we talk it out?!"
"No, call them now..or im going to make a run for it.."
Maruqez slowly looked away, and gave up fighting with Ruru about it, she was holding onto Ruru's arm as she slowly fall down on her knees...so Ruru held both of Maruqez's hand, they looked to each other..Ruru sadly smiles slightly and held her hands tighter.. Maruqez smiled back, and slowly kisses Ruru's hand.
"I understand.. you gave me what i deserved.. im proud of you Ruru"
Ruru was shock
"Thats what i wanted to see and get from you...to do the right thing, to fight back.. and learn. Im still the terrible person..im just for some reason proud of what you did..i deserved it"
Ruru just slightly smiles..
"Thank you.. i guess you teached me many things.. but that doesn't mean i regret what i just did"
Maruqez chuckles and said
"I know.."
Then suddenly mom shouted "thats it! I have no other choice! I must teach you a lesson! What you did is disturbing, disgusting and forbidden! You're all sisters!"
Maruqez sighs and slowly stood up, then hugs Ruru tight.
"Im going to miss you so much.."
Few moments later..She got arrested..her mom cried but agreed on what she's doing..
"I wish i could get last kiss from Ruru.." then she's forced to sit at the back seat of the police car.
They didnt know...that dad was actually watching them the whole time..mom said to herself
"Its brutal.. what my child did is beyond horrible..i could've talk with her..but if Ruru runs and calls the police...it will turn into a bigger case.."
She kept crying..