

simulation outbreak - (part seven)
I woke up in the same room i fell asleep in and i was so happy there wasn't a face in my face. I look over and i see charles " I spoke to soon." "yes ... yes you did.". He told me to get ready and that there was close in the closet he told me to be ready by eight because he wanted me to some people. I walk into the closet and it was huge filed with dress ball gowns and lots of other stuff i look around to see a pair of riped jeans a tee shirt and a jackit. I got in hot i took the jackit and tied it to my waist i checked the time and left my room. I thought i was going to get lost but charles was standing by my door he led me to this group of people and then they started to wisper all i can hear them say is It's her it's really her she is going to save us all. I look around to see small people tall poeple poeple that don't even look like human and a dog that can talk i keep looking around to see the two tiny people i had met before one was smiling and the other looked angery. All the sudden charles grabs my hand and says julia this is the republic and the people you are going to be with for a while.