

The Caged Peacock- Beauty lies within. Episode 2
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Enjoying my post and using the advantage of being a leader and ignoring the responsibilities. Finally done with primary school and moving to the secondary school.
My dad wanted to give me the best education no matter the cost so he enrolled me into one of the best schools in my state. I was so fortunate to be in the school but the students in the school were no match for me. They were proud rich children from healthy homes. I wasn't like them and I noticed that since the entrance exams. I passed my entrance exams with good grades and the best result that year. The school was the newest school in town and the best. I was fortunate to be in the first set of students to be enrolled and the almamatar of the school.
On the day of the exams, I never knew it was to hold that day so I was sleeping since there was no school for me to go at that period of time. My dad hurried on hearing the news to wake me up and asked me to get dressed which I did. I got into the car and my dad drove me to where I was going to write the exams. I was ten minutes late, I just took the paper and started writing the exams. luckily I never knew but the exams was in my favour. How lucky I was.
Back to the point, my secondary school. They named it Success High School which worth it and was the best name for it. It was my first encounter and my admission to the new school. My dad paid my school fees and collected my uniform for me. Seeing the uniform, it was like my dream was half achieved. I could remember I was full with joy as I rounded the house with my new uniform. My parents got me new bag, shoes and socks which I thanked them for. At that moment, everything in my life seemed new which made me joyous
and anxious to resume secondary school.
It was my first day at school, my dad got me a drink and some snacks. By that time, my dad was not used to giving me money he rather bought me things to take to school but for the first time he did. He and my mom advised me on what to do and how to be a good student. My dad and my mom both drove me to school. They dropped me by the gate and I entered. It was like I was in a new world, I saw some faces I have never seen in my life. Although some of my secondary school classmates were also there but everything seemed new to me.
I went in and a group of staff welcomed me in. I gave the coolest smile I could ever give and I greeted them. I went in and saw fellow students with their friends having conversations. I saw one of my former classmates, Maryam. I approached her and was trying to talk to her. Guess what she did..........
To be continued.
Wait for the next episode.
Read and enjoy.

© Dr Khushi