

Dear Diary
Dear Diary,

How are you today? I'm sorry, for I haven't written to you in a while. These coldness deep inside me has ever since silenced my thoughts and I'm still freezing. Each day I've thought of writing about how I'd start my day when the sun shines bright and clear, to make a new beginning of something fresh and beautiful with new challenges. To write about how I'd spent my minutes when the sun sets in the horizon and then think about how life has quickly taken its turn. Life has offered so much and had taken back ample of them but I ought to live with it, for when I look into the night sky, the infinite universe and the stars reminds me of hope in the hopelessness.
When life was still young and the sun stood still in the horizon ...perhaps I'd still be dreaming to fill up the unfilled pages by and by.

faithfully yours

© thepurplefeathers