

JOURNAL ENTRY #1: Tuesday, 05/17/2022
I'm all of 34 years old now, yet here I sit in tears because I miss my mama. Having a life of my own with my husband has been wonderful, I wouldn't change it for anything, but I miss my mama. I miss feeling her cuddle me when I need comforting. which tends to be a lot lately. stress has really taken it's tole on me these last few months and I feel like I talk to my mom less and less. I've made sacrifices in my marriage to be with my husband and I have followed him what I feel is to the ends of the earth. When do sacrifices get made for me. Its come down to almost having to give him an ultamtome to be closer to my mom and family now and I don't think I'll be ok if he doesn't chose me. I love my life, I'm not saying I don't. I just feel like before I lose total touch with my family I need to be closer. Call it another guy feeling of mine. Only those gut feelings lately have turned in to reaccuring dreams. My hubby has woke me up multiple times now screaming super loud he thought the cops would be called. My dreams are just so vivid. And nobody out here will listen to me or cares to listen it's turning out.