

American girls life
Every day people tell me what I should look like, how I should act, who I should be, if I'm a she or a he she, who I talk like, what races I am, how many piercing I should have.
But no one has ever just accepted me.
First I was too fat, then too skinny, then too strong.
I was to wierd, too girly, too masculine, too lonley.
I was ugly, the lifeless, then pretty, then the your beautiful, but...
Im so tired of people thinking that just cause im blonde I'm a whore, or I'm dumb, or I'm racist or privleged.
Or because I'm strong I'm gay, or don't like feminin things
Or, my personal favorite, I shouldn't cover up my perfectly sculpted figure, told to me in the summer at a pool, in a swimmsuit, by a fifty year old man
Its hard being me because people look at me all the time
Its cause I’m pretty, or cause I'm cocky, or selfish, or a bitch, or ugly, or hot, or "cause you had to take a double take to see if you would smash or pass me.'
Has anyone ever told you you were hot or fine?
Asked you for your body count or asked you to help them find their...