

My dream of changing lives by a "Click".
Gosh ! 6 years ago I fell in love with human rights this much that I started to build an online career was it easy ? Never it was a myth of mentality vs reality I wanted to change lives make an impact it seemed like a daydream that just became a stream of love and appreciation globally.
The start was from a book of a officer who I later went on working with the passion of my writing gave me not just a brilliant career but also a way of inspiring hundreds of souls.
Everyday was a struggle of ideas vs reality at times I wanted to give up but the passion for making this happen was much more powerful then giving up . My journey began from working and completing my humanitarian degree in war analysation but the road ahead was tougher then ever being the first analysation officer online for a women right project made me rethink if I could ever succeed in this bumpy path .
I lost so many people and precious memories were built during these years working from home , writing my first book and building something impossible became a reality that I never imagined I could ever have owned .
Learning from the best soldiers , the best officers in field gave me a new ideology of living life and made me realise the defination of wars and sacrifice the level of patience grew becoming responsible was not an option but a mandatory duty towards humanity.
I feared I would lose but this field teached me how to fly even without wings I joined a dream team and I really do save lives by just a click and my work really does matter in the world of humanity .
I dedicate my story to thousands out there if life takes everything from you it is never the end create your own map and let them follow your path .

© Hazzima_Diaries