

Whispers of Celestial Wanderers
In a misty landscape far away from the city of Beijing in between tall trees and enormous mountains lived a house that possessed white walls that covered its display with lush greenery in its garden and colorful Lillies and it’s interior like as if build in an earthy modernized fashion with the Rosie scent that filled through its White and cream walls.

The contemporary home was occupied by a man in his mid-20s, with his beloved mother, who loved him dearly and enjoyed the beautiful landscape in the countryside. The man was known to be a Xiangling.

One unfortunate day, that was supposed to be a normal day like any other day. Xiangling woke up for a hike in the tall abundant mountains with his blueish tracksuit, that hung in his body, perfectly with his black adidas sneakers.

Xiangling click-clacked higher and higher in the mountain until he came across an ancient Watch, that seemed to call him begging him to wear it on his fair skinned wrist.

His curiosity grew upon this mysterious watch, he was sure, he and his only mother was the only ones present in the landscape and no neighborhood lived near by as he slapped the watch in his wrist, securing it and as he did, he felt a sudden jolt that led to him to become nauseous as reality struck him and made him regret that he never even dared to touch the mysterious watch.

Droughts, sadness and debris surrounded him and ginormous rocky arch’s as he meets the sight. His panic grew as two humongous human yet inhuman like creatures appeared. There were slim but possessed a triangle face seemed very unrealistic until they started to speak in a language he never heard of yet It sounded like they were questioning him.

Xiangling was clueless to what has occurred and what lies before his eyes.

The inhuman like creatures beheld his confusion as one of them went forward and held his both hands as terror struck in Xiangling’s eyes as he tried to release his hands from his grip but that was soon forgotten as his mind heard a voice.

“We won’t harm you human, but what are you doing here” Xiangling couldn’t form words to leave his mouth until his mind heard a voice again “May we see the watch you behold”. The inhuman creatures left his hands as Xiangling took his watch from his trembling hands and indicated them.

Ancient yet elegant with a bright shade of gray and a brownish display was held in those slimy hands as the both creatures inspected the mystery yet seemingly it looked very familiar.

Gibberish sounds rang his ears as both creatures seemed to be in a deep conversation, while he just stood shocked as hysteria rises his stomach until one creature came forward a placed a his slimy yellowish hands in his forehead for a some moments until he released it.

“Hello human, we don’t know who you are but this watch should be returned back to our leader, Is that what you call in earth?” The creature spoke.

Xianling was too stunned to speak as the creatures led him to what seemed like a city is what a human would identify but even better.

Flying transportation and hoverboards and blabbers of gibberish can be heard, grass that was green in earth appeared to be purple and skies that were blue are now mixed with green too.

Mountains that possessed crystals lies a palace with all the bluest heavens.

They stood on one of the greenish hoverboards that was huge enough to cover the millions of people yet they stand here with only 3.

They led him through the entrance, straight to what humans would say, A throne.

“I have no idea what you call it, but we prefer to call this a recer”

A tall creature appeared quite different from the two but had a squares face with slimy eyes and gluey hands and yet again gibberish was heard.

“The watch belonged to ours, our two little explorers left the planet of Raera and accidentally landed on earth, which to human curiosity you were lead here and so we apologize for scaring you” His hands flew revealing portal. “We assure you that you will be safe”

He stepped towards the portal as he travelled to thousands of galaxies, stars, and cosmos and landed painfully cracking his muscles on the hard road of his home

It happened all too quick. It was not a dream, was all he wondered but his eyes willed to travel back again to what beauty he saw. It made him believe in something everyone knew was just a theory

© Waverywaves