

Story in a Story 5
Chapter 5
The dragon roared and clawed the ground. This usually would look fierce, but when you're standing on a giant book, it is almost comical. Its claws ripped through the pages, and confused, it paused, releasing a puff of smoke. But the damage was done, the book had decided self preservation came before killing pesky humans. The ground began to close around them as the book closed, but, strangely, when the book should've been all the way closed, Tess didn't feel her body getting smashed between two ginormous pages, instead she felt like she was, well she didn't know what. She felt as though there was no ground beneath her and that she was, walking down really fast, and the air was moving and whistling all around her. She tried to remember the words Courtney had taught her. She felt, she thought really hard, gravity less? She would have to ask Courtney the correct word. And then there was a sudden jolt of pain through her left leg as she slammed into the ground. She felt two heavy thuds on top of her, but she ignored them, all she notice was the blinding pain. It swarmed around her, burned her, screamed for attention, made her sight woozy. Am I dying, Tess wondered.
*I think it's broken* someone said, no thought in her head. That was all she remembered before the world folded inward and all there was was black. She vaguely heard someone say,"That head wound is sure to be nasty!"
"What head wound?" she asked.
Well she thought she asked. Her head was starting to pound and she couldn't speak, all the others heard was something like uhn eh oun.
Chapter 6
Alexa was worried about Tess, she had hit her head and broken her leg. But the bigger problem was the huge dragon that was looming overhead.
I will finish chapter 6 later.